Epilogue: Hawking: Tanis Colony

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Galactic Date 00:09:087 5028

I sat at the table of people I didn't know. People I didn't care about. The Actillion family that had taken me in after my escape from Nashu lived in nothing but a rickety shack on this wasteland of a world. My fork poked away at the gruel that passed as an excuse for food on the plate in front of me, before stabbing through the thin slab of meat. I think it was supposed to be a steak of some sort, but there was no way to be sure.

Slowly, I raised the food to my lips, sticking it into my mouth. Gods, it was vile. The meat was chewy, laden with grizzle, and over-spiced. My sharp teeth dug and ripped at the chunk of flesh to no avail. Probably would have been rancid without the abundance of seasoning. I choked down the food as the man, the eldest of the family, looked up at me, his tendrils sucking the food from his fork.

"So, Willow, you've been with us for a week," the man started, "how are you feeling? The wounds from the Soulless seem mostly healed." His name was Jani, a healer of sorts. He was unlike the lifeweavers we'd seen in our ranks and on many of the colony worlds. It was his work that had saved me.

"I'll be fine." I stabbed my fork in for another bite, forcing it down. "Just need my ship repaired and I'll be out of your hair." The woman to his side, Raxis, cocked her head to the side, tucking her hands together.

"So soon? You only just arrived, and those attacks you've been suffering haven't gone away." She said. I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"I have places I need to be." I set my fork down, pushing the plate back from me, having lost my appetite. "Thank you for bringing me in, but it's going to take a much more powerful healer to stop whatever... the Soulless did to me." Jani shook his head, holding back his offense. You could see it in the way his carapace contorted, wrinkled even.

"I suppose there isn't anything I can do to convince you of more bedrest, is there?" I cupped my hands as he spoke, tucking my nose in between my fingers.

"I don't mean to offend, but I'd rather be anywhere but here." The room was silent, and I shook my head. "Again, I'm grateful for your help, but..." I stood up, pushing my chair in, "I'm not doing any good being out here." Raxis spoke up as I turned toward the door.

"Willow, dear?" My head turned to look back at her.


"You're always welcome to come back. I know we haven't known you long, but we always have an open bed for a stranger, or a guest." I nodded, beginning to walk toward the door, when I was once again interrupted.

"Be careful if you're leaving." Jani said. "We heard news of a few Soulless ships that were approaching the system over the past few days. Given how your last run-in ended-"

"I'll be alright... but thank you for the heads up." I finally was allowed to step outside, pushing the door open into the glaring sun of the wasteland, letting the door swing shut behind me. Why anyone would want to live out here was beyond me. All that was on this planet was dirt, sand, and brown.

Then again, Tanahen felt just like this when I was there. Nothing for miles in sight except a stray tribe, or in this case, village. I was lucky to have even found this place. My ship was clipped on its way out of the system and struggled to make the journey. Guess that's what you get when you drive a Soulless ship through a Federation fleet. I doubted there was much that could be done to repair it, but that didn't stop the mechanic from insisting on taking it.

A swift whoosh blew overhead. I looked up, backing into the shadows of the house I'd just left. Two small purple streaks shot across the clear blue sky, unmistakable in their tone. Soulless. I groaned, pursing my lips. Probably here from the battle like I was, but I'd be willing to bet anything they wouldn't be nearly as nice. Wasn't my problem. As soon as I had a ship, I'd be along on my way.

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