Epilogue: Nashu - The Viridian Frontier

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Galactic Date 00:09:066 5028

To have been a Commander, and to have let this happen to me. To have experienced power unrivaled by anything, and yet still be beaten to submission. I could not help but be riddled with my own rage as I limped away from that temple. That I was alive was, alone, a miracle. I hacked and coughed as I stumbled through the loose silt, dragging myself away from this accursed place.

Blue light pulsed into the sky behind me as I gripped my side. I pushed myself against one of the broken walls as a shockwave hit me, knocking my weakened body into the stone. It appeared William had managed to turn the machine against us. Against the Soulless. I shifted my gaze toward the skies. Was there an "us" anymore, even? I'd failed. My conviction had faltered. There was no way I could return now, I reckoned, as I watched the fleet I had once led broken now under the combined force of the Federation.

I felt broken over their downfall. I, at once, knew that the Soulless' death meant little, yet I feared for my own life. Hilos would not often spare those who failed, especially on tasks as important as this. Even if I were to return now, I knew that would spell disaster for me. William's sparing of my life was now my blessing and my curse.

I thought of his words to me, to the pain and anger that filled his face, and at once I saw a mirror of myself. I saw the hate controlled creature I'd become. Yet still. Even with a sword to my throat, he refused to end my suffering. He begged me to escape and find some sort of forgiveness that he could not give me. How, though, did he expect me to do that? I was a murderer. I'd committed atrocities. I did not deserve even the smallest amount of forgiveness.

A jolt of magic surged from within my body, creating arcs of black and purple that wrapped around me. Pain seared my very being. My breathing caught, and I dropped to the floor, curled up as it wracked me with agonizing shocks. It felt as if it went on for an eternity, paralyzing me outside the temple grounds, before finally passing. I gasped for breath as my body was returned to me. I reached up to the wall, pulling myself to my feet. The pains still ached through my body. What in the hells was that? That magic I had used before, that had taken me over, that had... broken me... It must have had something to do with that.

I had to find help. William had healed me, sure, but I knew that his magic would only go so far. Who, though, would help? Perhaps somewhere I wouldn't be known, where my face would be blank to all that were there. A colony. Yes. Yes, that would have to work for now. I'd take a shuttle to the nearest colony and have them heal me.

I began to move through the grounds of the temple again. Each step hurt now. Whatever that shock was had shaken me to the very core. Maybe it was something William had done to me? Gods, I couldn't be sure of anything now.

No, I had to stay focused. Getting away from here was my priority. If the Soulless found me, I'd be dead, and that went doubly so for any of the Celestials. I glanced into the distance, seeing the group that had been fighting what had once been my crew. They still patrolled the area. I lowered myself below the edge of the broken wall, peaking out at them periodically. None had seemed to notice me. I would be swift and quiet. The shuttle I'd used to get down here would be just beyond the edge of the woods.

Dirt crumbled in my palms as I pushed myself along the edge of the walls. Thunder and lightning crackled through the clouds overhead, while rain drenched my clothes, soaking deep into the fabric. I lowered my head as the sting of the cold water wrapped itself around me, digging into my skin like the icy claws of some unseen beast.

The trees at the edge of the temple grounds met me, finally, with cover from the storms that tormented this place. I looked back at the temple again, leaning against a tree to catch my breath. Another surge of magic wracked my body. I fell against the tree to my side, my arms wrapped over my chest as I struggled against the pain, as I tried not to scream out.

It subsided. I reached up to my collar, ripping away the excess cloth, tossing it to the mud as I chugged breaths of air. It took all I had to not collapse there yet again. I gritted my teeth, sinking my claws into the bark of the tree at my side, forcing myself upright. Water dribbled down past the leaves above me, the droplets almost feeling warm compared to the harsh cold of the wind that blew over my damp clothes. I glanced back again one more time.

I could have won. William had grown... incredibly strong, but he had a lot to learn. The two of them, though? They would be a force to be reckoned with, for sure. I groaned, slamming my fist into a tree, snapping my stride back in the direction of my ship. I never should have let him live, but even when I had all the chances in the world, when I had him trapped in a room, broken at my heels... I couldn't. It was a difficult feeling to explain, but seeing his determination... it gave me almost a sense of hope. Even for a moment, it pushed away my anger.

Then there was everything here. Even when I'd taken someone important from him, he sees it fit to spare my life. I'd turned my back on everything, on everyone, yet in him I'd found an unlikely kinship. I didn't know what I could do now. Still, anger and vengeance burned through me. It had all but consumed me in our battle, but now I was alive... and once again on my own. The Soulless would never take me. Any Celestial who knew my face would kill me on sight. Gods, who knew if anyone would really want me now?

I let my head sink forward as fatigue grew in my body. The lasting effects of our battle had worn me thin. I could tell I wouldn't last too long out here if I didn't hurry up. I kicked myself into a jog, a pounding growing in my head with each step into the thick, wet mulch. Through the edge of the forest's end, I could see the starts of my ship, hidden with moss and leaves. I squeezed my way through to the open clearing on the other side, keeling over into the mud, feeling it coat my palms and pants.

Gods, I was so tired.

I mustered up all my strength and gripped the edge of my ship, hauling myself up. Dirt stuck to my muddied palms as I attempted to brush it and the leaves away before quickly giving up. It'd come off in flight, and I didn't have the energy to clear it all myself. So I slowly trudged into the rear entrance to the shuttle.

As I dragged myself down into the pilot's seat, I wiped the mud and dirt off on my pants before leaning down over the console. I had to go somewhere, do something, but I didn't know what. At this point, there was only one thing I could do. I needed a healer. Like I'd thought before, a nearby colony would do. I'd go there, wait for the dust to settle. I spun up the galaxy map and plotted a course, giving little thought and care on where I'd end up, and laid back, letting myself sink into the chair.

To go where the world would take me, I suppose that's what I'd do now. It wasn't like I had anywhere else, or anyone else, to turn to. Gods, what had I become?

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