The Blue Sparrow: Transit to Solar Station

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Galactic Date 00:09:023 5028

The trip to Solar Station was short. In the time, I managed to catch most of the crew up to speed with everything I'd gone through. What free time I had, I often spent training. Tara and I sparred below decks, studying hand-to-hand skills as Arneli or Jewls watched over us.

For all the grief I give to Jewls, I had to complement her training when it came to martial arts. I remember standing across from Tara, sweat dripping down our bodies, bruises covering our torsos. Jewls stepped in, putting hands between us to break us both apart.

"Good. Tara, chin tucked down, not up. You've got foam on. Don't be afraid to use your claws. They won't actually hurt him." She said. "Remember to use what you have at your disposal. You haven't studied in magic, so you'll need whatever you can to get an edge above your enemy." Tara wiped the sweat from her head, standing up straighter as Jewls turned to me.

"Good work so far. I can tell you're holding back with those magic infusions. You should be for a fight like this. However, I want to see full force on the dummies when we practice on them. You need to build up your magic until you have Isngr again, and even then." I nodded, rolling out my arms. "How's that going, by the way?"

"It's going alright. I'm starting to be able to cast some of the old spells, if weaker than before." I said, stretching my wrists. My knuckles and forearms were sore. Tara was damn strong. You wouldn't expect it from her size, but, despite what Jewls was saying, every time she struck, I could feel the air being knocked from me. Jewls threw towels over the two of us unceremoniously.

"Alright. Enough for today. Hit the showers, both of you." She said as I dragged the towel down from on top of me, Tara doing the same. Jewls and I shared a knowing and respectful look with each other as Tara gestured for me to come along. The two of us began walking up the steps to the upper deck as she wrapped the towel around her neck.

"Not bad, Ortell." She said with a smirk. "Though it does seem that magic is a bit more your strong suit." I laughed, but winced.

"Ah, yeah, you could definitely say that." I felt the bruises over. "You certainly gave me a thrashing in there."

"Well, you didn't do too bad. You keep sparring with me and you'll maybe even learn a thing or two." She gave me a wink, nudging me with her wing. As she did, she looked down at my exposed back, frowning. "They... really did a number on you, didn't they?" I tried brushing it off.

"Nah, it's fine. It healed over within the day." She stood in front of me, stopping me.

"Nuh uh, mister!" She shoved a finger toward me. "You aren't going to just deflect like that." I flinched back as she looked up at me with those unwavering green eyes. They had the same intensity in them as the day I'd gotten Isngr, when she'd gone off on Xervan in my defense. "I can tell how much it hurt you. I can see it when you sleep." She moved behind me, running her fingers along the lengths of scarred skin on my back. "Did you ever feel like giving up?"

"I'm here aren't I?" I said.

"That's not what I asked." She said, moving ahead of me again, looking up into my eyes. "It's okay. You don't have to answer. Just..." she pursed her lips, "you've been there for me for so long. Let me be here for you, okay Ortell?" I didn't really know what to say. I just froze up. She smiled, closing her eyes. "I'll take that as a yes." She spun around, leading the way to our room. The two of us stopped at the door.

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