Maruna System: Solar Station

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Galactic Date 00:09:038 5028

The day of the Summit had come at last. Council Ships from around the Federation had been pouring in for days, the station feeling fuller and fuller by the hour. I was beyond anxious as we waited, unsure what exactly to expect in there. Each passing day only made my anxiety grow, as I anticipated the worst. What if they didn't listen, or they weren't willing to send help? Even with the Celestial crews Lux called, we'd be in a lot of trouble.

Still, there was one good thing coming. Maurel was finally coming back. Gods, I hadn't seen her in person in... years; I think. She'd left with the Federation as soon as she could enlist. I respected her choice, but I remember feeling bitter about it for a while. Now, it almost feels sensible, and silly that I'd have so many reservations about it.

I thought about that as I sat by the waiting rooms at the docks, a spare captain's patch turning over in my hand. Most of them had already been sewn into my uniforms, with help from Olivia. It felt odd, having to get used to not calling her my captain anymore. I don't know if I'd ever get used to it. To me, I think, she always would be a leader to me, or at the very least, a source of counsel. It was hard to imagine that I'd be here without her.

I thought back to when I first saw her on Draenica. I'd written her off as nothing but another Celestial drawing people to their dooms. It was hard to believe how wrong I'd been about her. I remember when she first gave me the position of First Mate; it felt like such a jump in responsibility. I'd barely been there a couple weeks and there I was, set to be a point of guidance for the crew when I barely knew a thing myself. I'd learned a lot from them all already, and I knew I had so much more to figure out as I went.

Some days, I really did feel like the captain of the Sparrow, but there were other days when I was that same unsure person who left Draenica. I could only hold out longer. Fake it till you make it, they say. I sighed, looking up at the arrivals. Maurel's ship should be pulling into dock any second now. I almost felt more nervous about meeting her again than I did about the Summit. I flipped the patch repeatedly in my hands, bent it between my fingers, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Waiting for someone?" A voice broke through the wall of my thoughts. I looked up, Maurel standing over where I sat. I grinned, hopping up to my feet.

"No one in particular. Just felt like sitting around the docks, as one does." I responded jokingly. She smiled before pulling me into a hug, squeezing me tight.

"Ah, I missed you!" She exclaimed, before pulling back, looking me up and down. "Gods, have you gotten taller?"

"Probably. It's been around six years since you saw me." I said. She looked more toned than the last I'd seen her, though I suppose that came to no surprise, given her circumstances. She put her hands on her hips, taking me in.

"You cut your hair?" She asked, noticing the lack of ponytail.

"Yeah, felt like it was time for a new look." I showed off the back of my head. I'd gotten it freshly cut up with our spare time. She pursed her lips and furrowed her brow as she looked closer at me.

"So... how did all this happen? Last I talk to you, you're vehemently denouncing the Federation and Celestials, and next thing I know, you're in charge of a front-line ship." I nodded, gesturing with my head for her to follow along with me.

"It's a long story, but we've got time." I said. As we began our walk, I went through everything, from Xenrus crashing on Draenica, through to my capture on Tanahen, to where we were now. I could see her face turn from interest, to worry, to horror at the things I'd experienced over my time in the Celestials. Finally, I finished my recapping of the events of the past couple of months.

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