Unknown System: Unknown Planet

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Galactic Date 00:09:003 5028

The escape pod rattled and rumbled as I tumbled downward from space. My breathing was thin. I don't entirely know how long I'd been in this thing, just waiting. I cradled my broken body, sucking in struggling breaths. I'd gone overboard, and I could feel the toll it had taken. My head tilted slowly down as my eyes drooped.

No. No, I had to stay awake. I shook my head. Gods, it was so hard to keep my eyes open. I could tell that I was far outside of Isngr's reach now. The pain was so great that I could not bring myself to speak, to scream, even to just cry. I rocked back and forth in my seat, looking out the porthole. Millions of stars passed me by in an instant as I fell. At least that's how it felt. I wasn't entirely sure of anything I was seeing at that point.

My head fell back, cradled by the cushioning seat of the escape pod. The more I breathed, the more it hurt to do so. Every breath I took, I thought would be my last one. Everywhere I looked, it seemed the world left trails as if it were moving in slow motion. I had to just... calm myself down somehow. I closed my eyes, trying to keep myself awake as I focused on everything around me.

I breathed in, wheezing, as I pulled the air through my nose. The escape pod smelled musty, old, like it hadn't been cleaned or even used in years. There was this thin hum from the control panels around me, and a ringing from... somewhere. I couldn't tell if it was the pod or just in my head. The air was warm, and getting hotter by the minute it felt. I must have been getting closer to a planet, at least I hoped so. I licked at my lips, trying to keep them moist. A faint taste of metal was apparent in my mouth. I raised my hand to my lips, touching the tip of my tongue to it. When I pulled my hand back, I saw my finger now stained with my blood. I let my hand fall as I laid back, just staring out.

I knew I was in trouble, but I couldn't do anything about it, not here. All I could do was sit here and watch the stars as I felt my life slipping from my body piece by piece. I closed my eyes again, resigned to a fate not of my choosing, but one I knew was the cause of my own actions. Either I got lucky, or I'd die. My breath grew thinner and thinner by the second. Any second and I'd be gone, I thought.

The sudden halt of the pod jolted me awake. It slammed into the ground of whatever planet I'd found myself on. I struggled to see straight as I unclasped myself from the seat. Tossing myself forward, I pressed the same red button as before, to no avail. I could barely think straight as I searched the pod for some way to open the hatch. At some point, I gave in, lying against the metal hatch, feeling its coolness on my skin.

I don't entirely remember what I did in the end, but I was awoken a second time by the hiss of the pod's hatch unsealing. I squinted as I looked up, a dim light peering in through clouds above. I reached up to it, my hand falling limply on the metal of the escape pod. I strained to pull myself out. I could barely make it to the top of the pod before I let gravity take me. I rolled over the edge of the pod and to the ground, splashing into a heap of mud. I gasped for breath as I laid there, feeling the cold muck on my back.

I... I had to keep going. I rolled over, forcing myself to stand up. Agony coursed throughout my body as I got to my feet. My legs felt so shaky and weak, but I forced them to push me forward. I limped, feeling like my boots were being dragged into the mud. As I moved, I realized that the pain was subsiding... as well as any other feeling in several places in my body. Adrenaline had taken over again as I held onto tree branches for balance.

Looking around me, I think I was in a swamp. There was a dense layer of fog across the ground, and while I don't remember much, the smell was enough to shock me awake. It was a vile scent that only sought to bring me further down. The leaves of the many trees around me hung low on thin branches, many of which dipped into the mud and water that I trudged through. It was in a brief moment of clarity that I looked up. The sky was clear. The Wingless Angel hadn't followed me here, though with the damage I did, I don't know if they were even capable of doing so.

I had to keep walking, though. It didn't matter the direction as long as I got somewhere. Already, I could feel the little bits of adrenaline left in me fading away, being replaced once more by the pain. It felt like someone had reached into me, crushing my bones, stabbing me thousands of times. It was so intense there was no way to describe it.

As I pushed along, I reached my hand forward. Maybe... just maybe this would be a time of need. Maybe I could pull Isngr from the air and everything would be okay. I tried to focus my mind, tried to bring it to me. I could feel the magic beginning to stir but... nothing. I tried again, tears streaming down my face as I attempted in vain to bring the sword back to me again. It just wouldn't come, no matter how hard I tried.

I felt my foot catch a root, tripping forward into the mud. I slammed into it, coughing and hacking. As I tried to push myself up, I felt something in my throat. I heaved forward, a spew of vomit and blood gushing out over the ground. Not good. I grabbed a nearby hanging branch, pulling myself up. My arms shook as I could feel the cracked and broken bones in them struggle. Once on my feet, I leaned back against the trunk of the tree, raising my hand.

I wasn't going to survive if I didn't do anything. I could sense magic around me. Maybe I could tap into it. I closed my eyes, trying to remember Iravek's lessons, but in my state, I could barely remember anything. As I reached behind me, I grunted, drawing his dagger from my belt and holding it in front of me. I looked into its reflection, seeing my bloodshot eyes.

What was that thing Rex said? First, it was muscles that tore, bones that broke... then internal bleeding. I'd definitely pushed myself too far. I took the dagger, drawing it across my hand in some attempt to remember the spells Iravek had taught me. There was a moment as I stared at the blood dripping down my wrist where I almost couldn't remember, but I drew the memories out of me.

I put the dagger back as I raised my hand to it. My arms shook and shivered as I let myself fall back to the ground, sitting at the base of the tree.

I gritted my teeth as my breath shook. Faint light passed through the palm of my hand, sealing the cut I'd made. Now, to the hard parts. I shifted my hand over my body. My eyes lit up as I could almost see into myself. Punctured lung, injured stomach, other minor damage done across my internal organs. I took in a deep breath, moving my hand over my chest.

I could feel my breathing begin to clear, but already my body was straining from the magic. I remembered Iravek's words, that I couldn't heal too much or risk doing more damage. The worst damage was what I had to focus on. Already I could breathe better, so I moved to my heart, then to my stomach. The deadliest injuries healed, I let my arm fall limp at my side. I could still barely move I was so weak, but at least I wasn't dying as quickly.

I had to keep going, though. In the distance, through the fog, I could make out faint lights flickering. Civilization. If I could make it there, maybe I could get help. I crawled forward, pulling myself up, beginning to trek toward the lights. All of my energy was being poured into just taking small steps forward. With each movement, it felt as if the mud slowed me further and further. I wasn't sure how long I would last, but I had to try.

I had to warn everyone. I had to get back to my crew. I shut my eyes, picturing them in my head. I wasn't about to die here, wasn't about to let Jewls show me up, or break my promise to Tara. I'd show Arneli and Natasha what I was made of. I couldn't wait to hear Iraka and Rex chew me out. I had to make it.

I stumbled again, feeling the strain in my body as it barely held itself together. I couldn't make out what was ahead of me through the fog in my mind, let alone the one all around me. I leaned against another trunk as I stood, limping forward toward the lights.

Each step shot waves of pain through me. I could barely think straight, barely could keep myself awake through it all. The lights were getting closer now. I could make out the faint outlines of people in the distance. With a hand, I reached out, trying to speak, but no words could escape my mouth, no matter how hard I tried.

Thelast of my energy gave out, and I fell to my side, crashing into the mud. Myvision was too hazy to make anything out. I couldn't bring myself to moveanymore. I just lay there, straining to stay awake, but my eyelids were soheavy. Slowly, they fluttered closed as I relinquished myself to fate. I'mdying, I thought. I knew I was. I tried to hold out, but with no energy left, Icouldn't. I just let go, allowing myself to fade away.

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