Xenova: High Orbit

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Galactic Date 00:08:415 5028

The following day felt like an eternity of waiting. I feel like I spent the majority of it pacing about in my room. That woman, the Commander, everything about her just struck a chord in me. My mind flashed back to her icy claws digging into the skin of my shoulder. I reached back, feeling the thin holes she'd torn into my shirt. Yet she'd been careful not to leave a mark on me personally. I remember the feeling of my chest tightening as she drew closer to my ear. Some part of me wished never to see her again. Another part of me hoped I would.

As I got lost in my thoughts, I heard a knock at the door to my quarters. I quickly pulled my hair back, tying it up in a ponytail before turning.

"Come in." I said. The door slid open to the dim room. Iraka stepped in, looking about the place.

"Quite dark in here."

"I like it that way. The light from Warp is calming."

"Mmm." He commented, gesturing to look out the window. I turned, leaning on the sill.

"Any reason you're here?" I asked, "Thought you were working with Arneli."

"I was," he started, folding his arms across the sill, leaning forward beside me, "but she was just finishing up. Anyway, I wanted to check in on you."

"Check in on me?"

"I'm the yeoman. It is my job to keep up to date with everything happening, and," he put a hand on my shoulder, enveloping the tear in my shirt, "to make sure everyone on board is mentally sane." Despite his reptilian appearance, his touch was warm, comforting. "You're a long way from home, aren't you?"

"First time, actually. Draenica, and Furelle before that." His silence spoke volumes.

"Did you lose anyone?" He asked.

"A lot of people. Parents, friends..." I turned, facing him, "but that was then. This is now."

"You can't pretend that it doesn't matter to you, William." He said.

"And why's that?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest. He stood up, patting my shoulder again.

"Because if not for them, why would you be here?" I went silent, looking into the ground. Iraka strode toward the door again. "That sword you have, it's a lot to live up to. If you ever need to let it all out, I've got an open ear." I nodded, quiet. He returned the gesture, tapping his hand at the door frame, before looking back at me. "Right. Arneli wanted me to let everyone know to meet at the war room."

"I'll be right there." Iraka took his leave, the door sliding shut behind him. I finally let out a breath, staring back out the window. Was Iraka right? Why exactly was I doing all of this? I thought I'd let go of all the people on Furelle. I reflected on the topic. No... I couldn't have. Why else would I have held a grudge against the Celestials for so long? My face contorted into a frown as I looked at Isngr. I'd say I'd left because of the sword, but now I wasn't so sure. I needed to clear my head.

I made my way into the head, flipping the tap on, staring at myself in the mirror as I leaned over the sink. There were beads of sweat at my brow, could feel the tiredness starting in my eyes. I splashed water up into my face, feeling its sharp coolness. The sudden shift in temperature shocked me awake. I gasped as I drew my head back, staring at myself. Right. Arneli had some findings. It was time to meet with the crew.

I threw on a fresh shirt, laying the torn one across my bed, heading out into the hallways. From the sounds of everyone's voices, it sounded like they'd already started gathering. I kicked off into a jog, heading back down the hallways. I turned right, then halted by the war room. The crew was gathered around the circular table. Most of them were here. Arneli, Sterling, Tara, Gatha. Notably, Iraka, Rex, and Natasha had yet to arrive. Sterling looked up at me as I walked in.

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