Rishik: Tuvan Village

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Galactic Date 00:09:017 5028

You need help with that, Doc?" I asked. He had a log of lumber balanced over his shoulder. He looked from it to me and gestured with his head for me to come over. As I moved beside him, he passed the log over to me. I grunted under the weight, but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to. He put a hand above his eyes like a visor, looking at the now empty space where a pillar had once stood at the front of his house.

"You think you could get this one standing in the old one's place? It's a bit much for my old bones." He asked, rolling out his arm.

"Of course, it's no problem at all." I said. I took a few deep breaths, trudging toward the house. The thing felt like it weighed half a ton. I'd have to be careful getting it set in place. I reached up with my free hand, focusing my energy. The faintest wisps of magic pushed at the roof, giving me just enough space to set the pillar into a freshly made hole. I slid it off my shoulder and set it upright before lowering the roof back down. I let out a breath, wiping my forehead.

I'd been practicing, trying to build up my own magic. Without Isngr, it felt like I barely had the energy in me to do even the simplest spells. Still, as I took a few steps back, looking at my handiwork, I had to admit, some magic was better than none. Doc clapped me on the shoulder.

"Not bad." He said. "Make yourself any more useful and I might just need to keep you." I chuckled, putting a hand on my waist.

"Well, you'll just have to wait. I already told your neighbor I'd help fix up some of the leaks they've had in the floorboards." I said. He hummed at me.

"Ah, then you should be on that. Take Hinima with you. She's a good helper. Plus, she had a few questions she wanted to ask you. Figure it'd be as good a time as ever."

"Sure thing. I'll be heading over soon. Just send her along." I gave a wave as I began to walk through the village toward the next house. I kept myself busy and moving. It kept my mind off of other things. I honestly didn't want to think of what could be happening out there while I was down here. As I walked, I heard a small patter by my side, seeing Hinima joining me.

"Hello!" She cheered. I smiled down at her.

"And hello to you." I responded.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked.

"I'm going to be fixing up some of the houses while I'm here." I said. She pouted, but I gave her a small wink. "Though I do hear you have a few questions for me." She lit up again.

"Oh! I do! But so do some of my friends!"

"Well then, it sounds like you should go get them then!" I waved her off as I entered the house I was to be working on, beginning to pull up the old boards to reset them and replace them. No sooner than I'd started was I surrounded by a group of kids, bombarding me with questions.

"So do you fight pirates?"

"Have you kissed someone?"

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