Celestial Plains: The Dreamscape

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Galactic Date 00:08:481 5028

There was an almost welcome cold when I found myself waking up. I had been slumped forward on a stone table, and wondered how long it had been, exactly, that I was in the Dreamscape. I groaned as I pushed myself into a sitting position. Across from me, as per usual, were Cleva and Luccia. All three of us were silent, and I could see in both of them the acknowledgement of the situation I'd found myself in. I noticed Luccia seemed more translucent than normal. I sighed, leaning forward on the table.

"I... fucked up, didn't I?" I asked. Cleva took in a deep breath, sliding me a glass of what I assumed was whisky. I looked to her first, and then grabbed it, swallowing it down, gasping and grimacing at the taste. I set the glass back down, sliding it back to her. She set it aside, shaking her head.

"You are... in a tight spot, I will admit." She said, "However, it is not an unexpected outcome." I watched them through tired eyes, waiting for her to continue. When it was clear she was waiting on me, I decided to ask.

"What exactly do you mean?" She and Luccia were quiet a moment longer until Cleva gestured for Luccia to explain.

"I've mentioned how much you reminded me... us, of Vale. Your sword's previous owner." She said, "There is... much we have neglected to tell you of your predecessor." I leaned on my forearm.

"What exactly is this all about?"

"It is about the path that he took, and the same path that you find yourself taking now." Cleva said, "Be it of your own volition and choices, or if it is bits and pieces of Vale shining through you." I nodded, allowing them to continue.

"Vale was..." Luccia paused to find the words, "he was... reckless, but kind and firm. He was often stubborn, took everything onto himself. Once he had an idea in his head, you could hardly sway him away from it." She said.

"Sound familiar?" Cleva asked. I sighed. Unfortunately, it did. Luccia continued.

"Vale knew, as you do, that if this war was allowed to continue, all life in our galaxy could very well end with it. Complete and utter destruction is the only outcome that we find at the end of this tunnel. He wanted to change that, give us a fighting chance."

"Against my orders," Cleva began, "he and Luccia entered the Celestial Plains to put an end to Hilos and his war."

"I... did not survive." Luccia said. "I made a promise to him that I would be at his side, and that if I passed on, I would help who came next." She took in a deep breath, recalling the memories. "Vale knew he wouldn't be making it out alive, either. He was powerful, but the spell he had prepared would annihilate him." She turned, looking into my eyes, making sure I was watching her. "He knew, however, that it would buy you all time."

"The end of the First Soulless-Celestial War... that was..." She nodded.

"He fought Hilos and sealed him away for a time. In the process, though, it also would turn around on him. His body could not handle that much magic at once. As one last ditch effort, he bound his magic to Isngr, his sword. My spirit, with a promise unfulfilled, was also bound to the sword. As well, the shockwave of his spell found it's way across the galaxy. As a side effect, many Celestials of the first war found their aging slowed. You may have noticed many in your journeys with memories of the first war." She said. I nodded, thinking back to Olivia's stories. She and others, such as the old Furin from Furelle had mentioned it. I hadn't put much thought into it, but she was right. For that to be true, they would have needed to be over five hundred years old at least. Cleva cleared her throat.

"I... found the sword in the aftermath, and Luccia with it. For centuries, different carriers traveled the galaxy in search of Isngr's successor. I had not realized one had been found until you showed up at our doorstep." She said, "At the time, I figured there had to have been some mistake, that perhaps the wrong person had been chosen, or that you weren't truly its wielder and his successor." She looked down at a cold drink in her hands. "I only questioned my motives the second time I spoke to you." She laughed, tilting her head back. "Only his successor would be foolhardy enough to steal my best ship and challenge me." I could sense the sadness in her voice. There was so much nostalgia in it, memories that she'd held back for years. She tilted her head forward again. "You... are not him. There are times I see parts of him peek through, but I remind myself again and again that you are a different person, and one who makes his own choices." She smiled. "For one, he would never have found a crew to call his own."

"I was the closest anyone ever really got to him." Luccia explained, "He reminded me a lot of Jewls, actually... perhaps that was why he didn't pick her."

"Was she ever around the sword... before meeting me, I mean?"

"Of course. Many times, yet it never called out to her." Cleva responded. "I cannot begin to explain Vale's reasoning, or if he even exists within the sword, but I can say that you..." she stopped, trying to bring herself to speak. She cleared her throat again, "You, with how far you have come in so short a time, are beyond worthy of wielding that blade." I nodded as she stood up. "Forgive me. He was a dear friend to me, even if infuriating at times. While he was not one to reach out, he was protective of those he did care about." I nodded, silent. Hearing about him from these two, I wish I could just... meet him. The way they talked about him, he really did sound like me.

"So, what does this all mean for me?" I asked. Luccia cupped her hands together, leaning forward.

"The situation right now is that you stayed behind to protect your crew. Like we said, knowing you and Vale, it wasn't unexpected." I nodded again, quietly listening. "The facts are, Koratha took Isngr from you. You're in a holding cell on her ship, the Wingless Angel. You're... still within close enough proximity that you're still drawing on Isngr's magic and healing," her face lowered, "this is both a blessing and a curse."

"How so?" I asked.

"On the one hand," Cleva began, "it is a blessing to us, as you will still be able to tap into Isngr's strength in here. Not only that, but we will have an excess of time to train you. It will be intense, but in your current situation, it is beyond necessary."

"Alright. That all sounds good. How about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that you will likely not see Isngr for some time. You may be forced to leave it when you escape." She said, "We will address this issue at a later time. We do have a plan, but you must first train." I was quiet for a little, thinking it over. Without Isngr, I was without my major reservoir of magic, and without Luccia. Looking between her and Cleva, I knew I had to trust them, that they did have a plan. I sighed.

"Okay." I said. "So what now?" Cleva ushered me to my feet. I stood by the table, tucking my hands behind my back.

"William Ortell," she began, "it has come my attention that you have yet to formally be inducted as a Celestial." I cocked my head. She looked at me warmly. "It is tradition that every Celestial is taken under wing by either my or Solvemos, and made our disciples. Many who study under Solvemos learn the arts of war and martial prowess. I teach the other side. Under me, you would learn to control your magic." She looked off to the beacon in the distance. "Many of our troops now are simply gifted their magic and knowledge. Look at Jewls, for example. We simply do not have the time or numbers to train everyone individually. However, with you, I feel an exception need be made." She turned once more to look at me. "William," she put an upturned hand out to me, keeping her other hand behind her back, "would you do me the great honor of being my disciple and becoming, truly, a Celestial?"

I looked at her hand. I had already come so far. Already, there was no turning back. There was no hesitation as I reached forward, placing my hand on hers. "Cleva, I would be honored to be your disciple. I will train under you to be the best caster I can." She let her head hang lower, dropping her hand.

"Then we shall begin immediately." She said, "You have much to learn. Hold your head high, William. The coming days will be the hardest of your life." 

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