At first, he thought they were nerves but he soon realized that it was the chakra pathway that was spread across his entire body. The entire pathway was glowing blue which confirmed his hypothesis.

'All the flesh from my body is gone except..' Yami thought as he looked below at his beating heart. His chakra core was also present and was covered in chakra veins that spread throughout his body.

Yami didn't don't how much time he was floating like this but slowly he could see that the color of his bones was changing. He felt a little bit of weight on his entire body. This wasn't due to him being tired but the making of his entire skeletal structure had changed and he had become denser and heavier than before.

After staring at them for a long time Yami saw that they had completely mixed in with the color of the surrounding liquid which meant that his bones had turned into silver color. After waiting for another unknown amount of time, the liquid around him started to thicken and instead of becoming sluggish, it became as if made of an infinite number of thin threads. These threads then started to weave themselves around the bones of Yami. Even though it was a feeling that Yami had never had before, he started to feel that he was gaining some amount of control over his body.

This was good for Yami but then came the pain. At first, it was like someone had just held his body in place but later the tightness with which it was held started to increase. It then felt like thousands of needles were poking into every part of his body. The pain kept increasing as the needles at first felt like poking the skin now felt like scraping against the bone. Yami had clutched his jaw and tolerated the pain until now but things seem to be getting out of hand.

He opened his mouth to scream but his mouth and throat were full of the silver threads. He couldn't even scream. This pain continued....

1 day

2 days

5 days

1 week

2 weeks

1 month

After that Yami had stopped even keeping track. The constant pain had stopped Yami from even feeling it now. Yami didn't know when he got used to the pain to the extent of forgetting it completely. Now he could feel the scraping and poking but no pain.

Yami was so tired of this that he closed his eyes and just lay there...thinking nothing. Just staring at the empty darkness in his mind when he suddenly felt a jerk from his back. Before he could open his eyes and react, he took in a deep breath because he had come out of the pond.

As he took a deep breath, he started to cough and got up to sit upright. As he got up he coughed out some of the silver liquid.

"Splendid" Bora voice fell on Yami's ears. He looked around him but didn't find Bora and that's when he felt a tap on his head.

"Damm that was hell." Yami said as he looked at Bora who jumped from his head and landed in front of Yami.

Bora ignored what Yami said and looked at Yami's body. He kept touching Yami's skin. Yami touched his head and noticed that he had become bald.

Seeing him act like this Bora chuckled and said "Don't worry that's because the toxin burnt away all the hair. You will grow back your hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes soon.

Yami remembered that Jiraya is able to protect himself with his hair and even use them as a projectile so he asked "Can I use my hair in combat?"

Bora looked at Yami and asked "Oh, you mean the way that toad's summoner does? No...we have a better technique for protecting against attacks but it will take a while for you to learn it."

Yami looked at his body and didn't notice much difference. It still looked the same and Yami even felt a little heavy than usual. The only thing was that his devouring law tattoo was gone.

Yami didn't let Bora notice this and acted normally. "So how many days did this take? It felt more like a month in there."

"A month? Kid, you are saying this because you haven't looked at yourself properly...It's been more than a year." Bora said.

"What? How is that possible?" Yami said and stood up. He immediately understood that he had grown up because his height had increased and he felt way more strength than before.

Yami flexed his muscles and lean body a little only to get used to it when Bora said "I don't mind you doing this but there is someone here from the past 3 months to meet you and you should put on some clothes first." Bora pointed toward a simple kimono kept aside.

"Meet me? How can someone come here if I am the only summoner?" Yami asked as he started wearing the Kimono.

"Your Hokage's summon." Bora said as he started walking toward the exit.

Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon Part 2Where stories live. Discover now