Chapter 25: Professional Assessment

Start from the beginning

It wasn't a bad thing to be hardworking anyway…

Shi Yu was very pleased that his excellent quality could affect others.

"Shi Yu, are you going to take part in the professional Beast Tamer assessment? By the way, are you going to take the nursing specialization… or are you going to take the professional Feeder assessment?" Chen Kai asked.


A professional Beast Tamer was the traditional Beast Tamer promotion route. It tested the battle power of the Beast Tamer.

The assessment for professional Feeders was the Beast Tamer's level of raising and cultivation level, so most of the work would be done at the farm.

The higher-level ones could work alone, help other Beast Tamers take care of their pets, and even give birth to related occupations such as Skill Teachers and Evolution Planners.

Logically speaking, Shi Yu should be a Breeding specialist, and he even had the index. He would definitely earn a lot of money in the future by taking the professional Feeder assessment…

However, his second talent was really strange. Shi Yu was really afraid of being caught and cut into pieces after being exposed.

Although this country was also a society governed by law now, there was clearly a hierarchy between high-level Beast Tamers and ordinary people. From the fact that there wasn't even a relatively fair promotion route like the College Entrance Examination, it could be seen that this world's monopoly was very serious.

In some public battles, there were also cases of Beast Tamers scheming against each other. It was very dangerous for sects to compete and countries to get involved.

Besides, there were also some highly intelligent transcendent creatures eyeing the human area… He didn't want to lose his freedom.

Shi Yu thought about it. If the teaching method of the skill index couldn't be changed, he definitely wouldn't use this talent to teach other people's pets skills before he had strong self-preservation abilities.

Even if it was a slightly intelligent wild creature, he wouldn't teach it.

Unless it was a pet with almost no intelligence like the Green Silk Worm. After teaching it, the Green Silk Worm would not even know what happened. That way, there would be no safety hazards.

In short, only a pet that had signed a soul contract with him could be taught by Shi Yu safely.

Therefore, Shi Yu felt that it was better to take the professional Beast Tamer assessment first to increase his own battle power.

Some outstanding Beast Tamers could teach themselves skills outside of their pets. For example, many Iron-Eating Beasts in the Bamboo Stone Dojo could master thunder and fire skills.

It was even possible for some talented rare wild pets to master skills outside their own species.

For example, the Wolf Kings of the Snow Wolf pack basically all had deterrence skills.

Even though this kind of cross-species skill-teaching was very ridiculous, it was relatively common in higher-level Beast Tamer domains. It wasn't impossible.

Although, there had never been a teaching talent that could teach pet skills the moment it was touched. Besides, he was a transmigrator with two talents at the beginning…

In other words, it was a dangerous situation.

In this relatively dangerous world, strength was the foundation of everything… It was always right to increase one's strength first.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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