You're Amazing

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Y/N's POV:

"Nooooo, July's over in just a few days," I whine. I hate August, maybe it's because the ultimate lesbian relationship written Taylor Swift was ruined by it. Maybe it's because it's because it's so damn hot out

"I know, we only have a month left of shooting!" Melissa exclaims, "we might not see each other until the premiere."

"So I have until then to get Mikey?" Jasmin raises an eyebrow.

"Not if I get her first," Jenna playfully shoves her.

"Neither of you amateurs know how to get bitches like me," Melissa flips her hair.

"Maybe that's true, but we actually want bitches," Jenna argues.

"No, Jenna, all you want is your lord and savior Jesus Christ.

(This is so original, definitely not from a video on Jasmin's Insta.)

"You guys, we should just call Mikey and see who she wants," I suggest, "and we all know it's gonna be me cuz I'm not afraid to call her Amburnt."

Jenna spits out her water, "you what?!"

"You and Jasmin had the same reaction," I inform her.

"Less throwing of popcorn though," Jasmin adds. I laugh, "it took weeks to get that greasy ass butter out of my favorites jacket!"

"That's what you get for insulting my wife," she concludes.

"You mean my wife!" Jenna and Melissa say in unison.

"Melissa, it's illegal to be married twice," I remind her.

"My husband ain't jealous."

"Shut up straight girl," Jasmin laughs. Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous of how much Jenna seems to love Mikey, but it's her life. It's not like we're dating or anything.

Honestly, I don't know what we are though. I mean, I guess we're friends, but we also almost kissed? I don't know, it was late at night. We haven't been that close to each other since then. Maybe it's because I made her uncomfortable.

God I hope it's not that.

I would never want to do that to her.

"Everyone, back o work, lunch is over. Jenna, you're not in the upcoming scene, but they need you in the hair and makeup trailer," the producer calls.

Jenna nods her head and wanders off. Melissa and Courteney follow me and the director, along with a bunch of other camera operators to the street set.

The two actresses stand on their marking tape. The director quickly has them run the scene, gives then notes, and the sequence begins.

"Speed," I say, notifying the AD that my camera is up and running, the rest of the cinematographers not far behind me.

"Chosen family set 1, take 1 marker," the AD calls, slapping the slate down and walks out of the camera's view.

"Action!" The director calls out.

I almost cry at the meaning behind their words. Forming their own fucked up family. 

It's so meaningful because I never fit in right in high school. The new kid in sophomore year is a little bit obscure, especially if they left their old school due to bullying.

At first, it was jarring, and scary. Maybe it's because our noses aren't in in gossip circles 24/7, but eventually the kids who don't fit in find each other. Starting to "not fit in together," as one of the dads on modern family says so well... . These classmates became my new family.

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