Winter Holidays pt. 3

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A/N: I love y'all so much that despite my very concerning cough, I am uploading tonight. Instead of getting my beauty sleep, I lie awake writing this. I literally don't even care that much abt Christmas. But i do care abt Jenna <3

Jenna's POV:

I reluctantly leave Y/N's house midway through the day to go shopping for gag gifts with my mom. It's something we do every year.

"Bye Y/N/N," I wrap my arms around her in a long hug.

"I'll see you soon, love," she leans down to kiss me goodbye. I blush at the nickname. She walks me to the door, giving me one last hug before I make my way to my mom's car.

"Good morning," she greets me, "merry Christmas Eve."

"Merry Christmas Eve to you too," I smile. She starts up the engine and the radio comes on.

"So, how was Y/N," she inquires. I take a second to respond, fumbling with me seatbelt.

"We had a lot of fun," I tell her, "we watched movies and caught up on childhood memories. Her room needed trying so we cleaned it out and found a lot of memorabilia. We ever found her old camera, but that was in her basement." 

"Awwww, did you watch your old movies?"

"A few."

"I'm so happy you two are close again," she comments.

"I'm glad we are too," I admit, "I missed her a lot during high school."

"I know you did. From what her mom's told me, she missed you too."

"Anyway," I try to change the subject, I know if we stay on this track for too long I'll find some way to accidentally about myself, "are there any new stores in town?"

"Just a few," she responds, a little confused at the change in subject. 

We pull into the parking lot of the local mall. A lot of the businesses that we used to go to closed down during the pandemic. It was a rough time for a lot of people.

 We stop by the few small businesses that are still open and look around.

"Look at this!" I laugh, holding up an empty box with the words you said you wanted nothing plastered onto it.

"That's hilarious," she cackles, "but not as funny as this monster you can put under the lid of your toilet!" This afternoon turns out to be one of the funniest things I've done in a while.

After getting plenty of gifts to make our family laugh, we go to the nearest ice cream store.

"Hello Natalie!" The person behind the counter greets her, "what can I get for you two today?"

"I'll have chocolate fudge brownie in a cone please," I order.

"Coming right up," he smiles. It's so nice that he treats me the same even though I'm famous now.

"I'll have peppermint in a cup please," my mom tells him.

"That'll be $8.76," he says. My mother hands him the money and he gives her the change.

We walk outside and sit at the table we used to always sit at when I was a kid. Back then, we would always come with our dog. I usually had a friend or two around. 

"So, what's been going on with you?"

"Well," I start, there's so much to say, "I've been seeing a lot of my costars lately for press, which I don't mind because we're all really close. Y/N and I are watching Breaking Bad together, which is pretty fun. Jasmin, Melissa, Mason, Devyn, Hayden, and I are all planning our red carpet outfits for the Scream 6 premiere. Of course, that means our stylists are working together and we're in a dressing room on our phones until they call for us, but that's besides the point." My mom laughs at the last comment.

We talk for a while about what's going on around here. Some new shops are opening, which is pretty exciting. I find out that Sam is a barista at a Starbucks about a mile away and had a failed singing career.

"Wait, really?" I ask, "Y/N has to hear this."

"Yeah, pretty funny."

"Honestly, she kinda deserved it. She was never really nice to Y/N and I," I remark.

"Yeah," she says carefully, we're kind of new to talking about emotions with one another, "so... you and Y/N have been hanging out a lot lately."

"Yeah!" I beam, praying she can't see my nerves, "she's a great friend." My leg bounces up and down anxiously under the table.

"It would be okay if you two were more than that, Jenna," she reassures me. How did she figure it out?

"I— we're, yeah, we're like you think we are," it's so scary to tell my mom I have a girlfriend, I have no idea why.

Her gaze softens, "I'm so happy for you Jenna. You two are good for each other. Your father and I have always though that. Whether it's as friends or something more." She hugs me.

"Thank you, mom," I smile.

"Thank you for trusting me." 

"I wanted to wait and tell you guys at dinnerrrr," I complain jokingly, "it's hard to come out twice in one day."

"Tell them whenever you feel like it," she reassures me, "they'll be happy for you."

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