Job Offer?

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Y/N's POV:

Oh my god

Oh my god.

I know it's been out for a month, and Jasmin is pissed at me for it but I still havent seen Scream 5. Fandango messed up my tickets and I've been busy ever since. I finally get to see it tonight, so I'm very excited because I love Scream. There was a sleepover at my house in sixth grade and my friends and I watched all four in one night. Now that there's a confirmed sixth movie Jasmin says I HAVE to see the fifth.

Paramount actually called me in for an interview the other day, which surprised me for some reason. I guess because I've never worked with them before.

Multiple notifications show up on my phone screen. They're from Jasmin.


Get in loser, we're going shopping.

Immediately, I get up from my seat and run out the front door.

"Hey bitch," she says, "sup."

"The sky," I joke. She rolls her eyes.

"At least acknowledge the ceiling of my car's existence. What are you, ceilingphobic."

How could you even suggest that. I'll have you know that my mother's therapists brother's catsitter's cousin's step brother has a best friend who knows a guy whose cousin identifies as a car ceiling." Jasmin bursts out laughing.

"Wow, it's almost like you know what it's like to be in that ceiling's position."

"I know," I pretend to cry, "it seems so hard."

"Ooh, girl, you're phone's buzzing." I take it out of my pocket. I don't recognize the number.

"Ooh, must be ghostface..." Jasmin giggles.

"Did you prank call me?"

"No no no!" she puts her hands up, "I wouldn't dream of it." I hesitantly answer the phone, setting it to speaker.

"Hello is this Y/N L/N," the voice says.

"That would be me, who is this?"

"This is Tyler Gillet, and I would like to offer you a job as cinematographer on my new film, Scream Six."

My heart stops. Me, working on a Scream movie. "Pinch me," I mouth to Jasmin and she obeys.

"Yes, I would love to!" I exclaim. It takes everything in my body to not jump up and down screaming.

"Ok, expect an email with more details tomorrow morning! Have a nice night." He hangs up.

"AHHHHHH" Jasmin and I scream at the same time.

"We're gonna be ON SET TOGETHER!" Jasmin yells, pulling me in for a hug.

"It's gonna be the BEST!" I add.

"Well now you have to see Scream 5." I roll my eyes, "duh."

"What can I get for you today?" asks the person at the theater cash register.

"One large popcorn and two waters," I say.

"You know I love you when I take you to watch a movie that I'm in, Y/N."

"I'm sure your performance was amazing," I assure her.

"Wait till you see..."

We step into the dark theater. There's a bunch of really bad trailers including one for a movie about sexy burgers? Jasmin promises that we're gonna see it the day it comes out and I disagree because it's airing the same day as Stranger Things s4 v1.(bc y/n is basic now lmao, don't judge me for liking st)

"I'm telling you, anything can be sexy nowadays," Jasmin argues.

"Yeah, but not equally sexy. Robin Buckley? Waaaay sexier than a burger."

"Fair fair, but we'll see it the next day."

"You're buying me popcorn and a slurpee when we see it," I demand.

"Deal," we shake hands

As soon as the trailers end and the logos for the movie appear on the screen, we all go silent. Like all movies, it starts with the ringing of a phone.

The camera turns to show us the face of the person about to answer the phone. 

Wait... is that.... Jenna?

A/N: sorry for the short chapter. Ig I have to work on my descriptions or something. This is kind of a filler chapter  to set up important plot lines for the next few! Also... who else is proud of Y/N for being a camerawoman on scream 6??!?!?!?!?

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