Heart Stopper

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A/N: if you're downloading heartstopper be careful not to download the horror movie

Y/N's POV:

"Oh my god, Jasmin, are you 63% homosexual?" I joke to her as I sit down on the trailer's couch.

"Only for your mom," she sticks out her tongue.

"Damn, you really are Nick Nelson," I remark.

"What are you guys talking about about?" Jenna interrupts us.

"Only the gayest show ever," Jasmin says.

"You've never watched it?" I ask.

"No, should I?"

"Duh!" Jasmin exclaims, "the music is amazing. As a songwriter, I give it 10/10."

"You guys should watch it tonight while I'm filming the attack on Gale!" I suggest.

"Yes, we're totally doing that."

"I hate romantic shows though," Jenna complains.

"You won't hate this one," Jasmins says, "or else."

"Jeez, ok!"

Jenna's POV:

We finished shooting for the day and are making our way to Jasmin's hotel room. She stopped in the lobby to get popcorn from the front desk(because that's definitely something that front desks usually have.)

Once we get into the hotel room we collapse onto the bed for a few minutes, resting from our long day and turn on the TV.

We start the first episode and before I know it we're already watching Nick google an "am I gay" quiz.

"Oh my god, this is what you were talking about," I realize.

"Yep, except I'm 100%," Jasmin laughs, "actually I've never taken that quiz, maybe I should!"

She pulls out her phone and starts filling it out.

"Oop, 96," she laughs.

"Damn," I joke.

"What's your score?" she asks.

"Lemme take it," I anxiously open my phone. I'm straight, right, so what am I so scared of seeing.

I scroll down the questions and answer each as truthfully as I can.

Have you ever found a member of the same sex attractive.

Yes. Yes I have, but that's normal.

Have you ever kissed anyone of the same sex.

Yes— for a movie! But yes... It was probably one of the better kisses I've done on a set. That's for sure. Every guy I've kissed on a set has had really bad breath.

"Jasmin does me kissing Maddie Ziegler count?"

"You kissed Maddie Ziegler? Who what when why?"

"For a movie."

"Damn, still counts though I guess."


I keep filling out the page.

After a lot of questions, I finally complete the test.

You are 63% homosexual.

"NO WAY," Jasmin laughs, "that's hilarious!"

"Oh my god, you're never gonna let me forget this, are you."

"No, no I'm not. Is there something you want to tell me though, Jenna?"

"No, I'm straight," I say, pretty sure of myself.


"Yes," I insist, but I sound even less sure than I did two seconds ago.

We continue watching the show until it's midnight.

"Damn, it's getting late," Jasmin comments.

"Yeah, I should probably get to my room," I say.

That night I lie awake, tossing and turning.


I'm so confused. I don't even like girls— I mean, right?

I've liked boys before, and yes, I know being bisexual is a thing but is that really me?

I play back through moments in my life, trying to find an answer to what I could possibly be feeling.


Y/N and I were home alone, my mom was at work, and my dad' was at Aliyah's soccer tournament.

"I'm not beautiful though, Y/N," I said, "If I were, how come no one does good makeup on my face? I swear I'm getting plastic surgery as soon as I turn 18."

"Jenna, they just don't know how to do makeup on you," Y/N explained me, "your face shape is different than Miley Cyrus's. You have a different nose, a different chin. I was googling different disney stars, and most of them are pretty uniform in face shape or they've gotten enough plastic surgery to look similar. So the makeup artists were hired for their ability to do makeup on that face shape. Now you're here in the industry, and they need to change for you. You don't need to change anything for them. Especially not you're adorable face!" She boops my nose.

"Prove it!" I demand.

"Fine fine," she said, "where does your mom keep her makeup and where does your sister keep her magazines?" While Y/N leafed through magazine pages, cross referencing models with no without their makeup, I snuck into my mom's room and get her makeup.

"Ok, are you ready to look beautiful?" Y/N asked me.

"Yes, for once in my life."

"If you make one more self deprecating remark, I am taking all of this makeup off," Y/N told me, and took out a face sponge and put on a bit of foundation. She sits on her knees facing me. 

She began to apply the makeup carefully, as if I were made of glass, or a precious metal. So much more gently than the Disney artists violating my face with itchy old brushes. 

Her face was so close to mine. She paid so much attention to every detail as she contoured and highlighted my face. I scrunched my face up when she got to my nose.

"Y/N that tickles," I giggled.

"Sorry," she apologized.

She continued along with her job as she lightly pressed the blush brush into the bronzer.

Her knees were touching mine, her face was only three inches from mine and her lips. They were right there. Stop Jenna stop. That's a really weird thought.

"Aaand done!" Y/N claims, holding up a mirror. I looked into it expecting to see an atrocity, but when I saw myself I almost cried. Even though she put on foundation she had penciled in my freckles. All of the parts that I had loved about my face were complimented and the ones I didn't appreciate as much had been subtly concealed.

"I'm— you— thank you so much Y/N," I wrapped my arms around her in a warm embrace.

"You're welcome, but you don't need that makeup to be pretty, Jenna."

"Well thank you for making me feel beautiful," I smiled.

**** end of flashback ****

Ok, so maybe I might be 25% homosexual, but 63%. No way.

I'm so confused.

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