You want to make a post, about me?

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Y/N's POV:

 "Okay, pose for the selfie!" Jenna grins, I kiss her on the cheek. Her smile widens, and she snaps a picture of the two of us.

"We should recreate the gays doing makeup pose!" I laugh.

"We've already done that, silly," she says. I smile remembering our first kiss together.

"I know, but we should take a photo to commemorate it."

"Is this your carefully though out plan to get on top of me?" she raises an eyebrow.

"You wish," I smirk.

"Okay, let's take the picture," she laughs.

(If y'all don't know this picture, here it is

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(If y'all don't know this picture, here it is. Y/N is the one with makeup in this case.)

We set the timer on the camera for 20 seconds to get into position, and take the photo.

"I love how this is gonna be your coming out post," I laugh, "just casually like, I'm gay, here's my girlfriend." She joins me in laughing at the joke, "well it's gonna be more detailed than that!"

"So something like, I'm really gay for this gorgeous human being next to me."

"Shut up!"

"You're not really gay for me?" I ask jokingly.

"No! I really like you, Y/N. Am I really the type of person to say I'm really gay for someone, though?"

"Okay, fair," I start, "but you are really gay for me, right?"

"Yes, I am 'really gay' for you," she air quotes.

"Good, cuz it would be awkward if you weren't." I lean down to kiss her on the nose.

After getting up from our previous pose, we make our way to the couch. We scroll through some of our photos together, choosing the ones she should post.

"I like this one," I point at a selfie I took on the set of scream six with us listening to a song sharing a singular pair of wired earbuds.

"I'll add that to the queue," she giggles, "that was a fun summer." After reaching the photo limit, Jenna starts to work on a caption for the post. After ten minutes she  presses post. My phone lights up with the notification "Jenna ortega has tagged you in a post"

I open up my phone to see what she wrote.

Jennaortega✅:  Y/N, I've known you most of my life, and even though we were apart for so long, I'm happy we found each other again. It makes me so happy that you came back into my life in the way you did. From favorite songs, to insecurities, to my identity as a whole, you broke down my walls, and found me. You helped me learn so much about myself, and I have never been prouder to call someone mine. I love you and I always will. #girlfriendappreciationpost

"Awww, baby that's so cute," I pull her closer to me, planting a kiss on her lips, "I love you too."

"Thank you for coming back into my life," she whispers into my shoulder.

"Thank you for coming back into mine."

I'm sure both of our phones are blowing up with notifications, but all I care about is the beautiful girl in my arms.

"I don't want to let you go, ever," she  mumbles.

"Well you don't have to figuratively, but at some point, we're going to need to get up and off of the couch."

"No we don't," she asserts, getting as close as physically possible to me.

I get out the TV remote and put on a show for us to watch, "okay, we'll stay like this all afternoon."

"Fine," she says.

"You're cute," I giggle. She mumbles something incoherently, and wraps her arms around me.

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