Home To You

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Early 2024...

I stand on my tip toes, trying to see over the crowds of the airport. The announcement buzzer goes off louder than before.

"Flight 43388287 from Romania has landed, to pick up your bags go to baggage claim 8," the automated voice directs. That's it! I think to myself. That's my girlfriend's flight!

Making my way to baggage claim eight, I rack my brain for what I'm even going to say. Anxiously, I tap my foot, I've missed her so much. What if she doesn't love me anymore? I stand there for fifteen minutes, scrolling through the apps on my phone. I just want to see her again. Id on't care if we've called almost every day for the past eight months, I want to see her, physically. 

More time flies by. Jasmin sends me some funny TikTok's that I watch and laugh at. She found an old video of the audio "now people are gonna think I like women." I laughed, remembering all of the jokes I used to make about that.

It's then that I see Jenna— or rather her bodyguards. She has on sunglasses and headphones. All of my worries melt away and I immediately run up to her, throwing my arms around her. 

"Y/N/N!" she exclaims, reciprocating the embrace. I lean my forehead on hers, my hands stroking her darkly dyed hair. I want to stay like this forever. With her.

"Hey there, beautiful," I smile once we pull away, "how are you?"

"So, so, tired," she complains, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, love," I kiss her forehead, "let's get your bags so we can get you home and to bed." She nods, I link my arm with hers and we walk to the baggage carousel, waiting for her things. 

Once we get everything off the carousel, I walk with her to my car, taking her back to our place. We're pretty quiet throughout the car ride, mostly because of how tired she is. When we finally get to the apartment, I practically carry her to the elevator, taking us up.

"Scottie!" she exclaims, opening the door to see our dog who's grown so much. She sits down and he jumps into her lap, licking her face, "I missed you too, silly guy."

"Someone's got their energy back," I laugh.

"Well who wouldn't be excited to see this little cutie!" We spend a few minutes in the living room playing with Scottie until Jenna lets out a loud yawn.

"Baby, I'm sleepy," she admits.

"Let's get you to bed, love," I help her to our room and hand her some pajamas before leaving her to change. A few minutes later, she calls me back into the room.

"Hey," I make my way over to the bed, "you ready to go to sleep?" She nods, getting under the blankets. I quickly join her, my own exhaustion starting to make itself apparent.

"I missed being close to you," she smiles, nuzzling her head into my chest, "you're way better than sleeping meds."

"I missed this too," I confess, "but mostly I've just missed you." 

"I love you, Y/N," she mumbles.

"I love you too."

"I don't wanna leave you for that long ever again," she tells me.

"Maybe I'll come with you next time."

"I'd like that very much," she smiles. I lean down to kiss her nose and rub her back until she falls asleep, with myself not far behind.

A.N: WHY R MY UPLOADS SO SHORTTTT. The book is almost over btw. The last chapter will be out soon! Love you guys! Thank you so much for all of the support and getting me to 40K reads. This is so surreal!

All The Plans We Made | Jenna OrtegaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant