Sleepy Mornings

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Y/N's POV:

Jenna and I were up until four in the morning watching the new Stranger Things episodes. Both of us bawled our eyes out at Eddie's death and Max doing the Chrissy Crumble. It's a miracle that we finally fell asleep.

I wake up slowly. At first, my vision is blurry. After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I see on the hotel analog clock that it's 11 AM. Luckily, I have today off. 

Then I realize the predicament I'm in. Shit.

I can't tell where my body ends and Jenna's begins. Her legs are tangled with mine, her head against my chest. My arms loosely wrap around her waist, and hers around my neck. I can just barely make out a smile on her face.

My cheeks flush a bright scarlet. She's so peaceful, so beautiful. Everything about her presence makes me absolutely melt. There's a warm feeling in me, a happiness, a pride, that being around me makes her seem so calm and relaxed. 

Ever since she got into mainstream acting, she's always been slightly on edge. But here, with me,  her guard is completely down. 

What happens when she wakes up? I fret, if I try to move she'll definitely wake up, but if I don't, she'll wake up in bed with me. That's kind of awkward. Carefully, I start to pull away from her. I don't want to, believe me, but I don't need her to wake up like this. She groans, pulling me closer.  Guess this is how she's waking up. 

To be fair, I'm not complaining. The world outside of our little bubble seems so cold, and she's so warm. I wish we  could stay like this forever, but the pessimist in me is telling me that this will probably never happen again.

We stay like this for what feels like an eternity, but in reality is four minutes. Her eyes slowly flutter open. It takes her a second to process what's going on, and then she realizes. 

"Y/N?" She mumbles. She's so cute when she's sleepy. Her eyes widen, shocked.

"Oh shit Y/N, I'm sorry I must have like subconsciously done that," she comes to her senses, untangling herself from me. Immediately I miss the warmth I felt when she was in my embrace.

"It's ok, Jenna," I assure her, "you were asleep." The worst part of any morning is probably getting out of bed, so I put on a brave face and take off the covers. God it's cold.

"Soo..." Jenna starts, "what do you want to do today?"

"Uhhh, I guess we should probably get some breakfast to start, right?"

"Yeah," she nods awkwardly. 

We spend the day around town taking ridiculous photos, copying friendship poses on instagram and eventually meet up with Jasmin and Mason to get boba.

(cuz who doesn't love a good boba?)

Jenna's POV:

*** that evening ***

"Oh my god, you and Y/N did WHAT?!" Melissa exclaims. I've been recapping the day I spent with Y/N. I haven't even gotten to us going to hilarious photo spots.

"Jeez, we were just cuddling," I giggle, "and we just woke up that way. God it was only for a few seconds but I treasure each one. Oh my god, I hate being all 'goo goo ga ga' over someone, but I also love it so much."

"You two are too cute," Melissa laughs, "don't worry, I haven't told anyone in the cast your secret, but they are all rooting for you too."

I look at her in disbelief, "wait, really? How do they even know?"

"You guys make it really obvious, Jenna," she points out.

"What? No we do not! Plus, just because I like her does not mean she likes me."

Melissa raises an eyebrow, "Jenna, it's so obvious that someone with no gaydar, E.G: me, can see it. I mean, I don't go out of my way to lay my head on my friend's shoulder. None of us stay up to watch the sunrise without at least two other people. You two always do that. No matter how many people there are." I smile at the memories Y/N and I have made this past month.

"I came out to her," I announce.

"Oh my god, Jenna! I'm so happy for you!" she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug, "she took it well, I gather?"

"Yeah, she was chill with it."

"I wouldn't expect any less." I feel so lucky to be supported by those around me. Melissa is the best friend I could ask for, she's basically my sister. And Y/N, Y/N is just the best. Sure, she's not perfect, no one is, but she would never do anything to hurt me. 

"You ever gonna tell Y/N how you feel about her?" Melissa questions.

"Slow down, slow down," I laugh, "I just came out to her, let me take at least two weeks to process that."

"Ok, ok, take your time, but also just confess already."

"you've only known for like, a week!" I cackle, "how are you this desperate for me to confess to her?"

"I just wanna see you happy, and you're happier with her than I've ever seen you before," she reasons.

"I guess I am."

A/N: I know my uploads have been on average shorter lately, but hopefully they're just as good as some of the longer ones! What do you think about Y/N and Jenna waking up together?

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