You're Up Late

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Y/N's POV:

I toss and turn all night in the bed of the apartment Jenna and I just started renting together. It's a cute apartment, with enough space for both of us. I love always being around her, so as big of a step as it is to start living with your current partner, it's one that I'm glad we took. So why can't I sleep? It's not like I'm sick, or having a nightmare, I just can't sleep. Finally, I decide that I should just go do something other than try to sleep. 

My endless thrashing about won't do Jenna any good, and all of the press lately has made her so tired.  She deserves uninterrupted sleep.

I don't know what lead me to my kitchen, but after an eternity of pacing, that's where I find myself. If I can't sleep I might as well be productive.

I take out a mixing bowl and a baking sheet, wondering where this late night boredom will take me. It's then that I notice a new bag of chocolate chips sitting on the counter. Getting out a few measuring cups, I locate the other ingredients I'll need.

Flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, eggs or some substitute for eggs. I know I have all of them, it's just a question of where. Which seems almost impossible given how messy my kitchen is.

About twenty minutes into my baking escapade, I feel arms snake their way around my waist.

"You're up late," Jenna says, her voice raspy from sleep, I turn to face her. It's so crazy to me how beautiful she is even when she's just woken up. 

"Hello to you too."

"What are you doing out of bed?" she groans, "it's cold without you."

"I dunno," I answer truthfully, "couldn't sleep, so I figured why not do something." 

"What are you baking?" she asks, trying to figure out what could possibly be more important than me being by her side to keep her warm, "it smells good."

"Chocolate chip cookies," I smile, "and thank you." She reaches behind me, grabbing a spoon and tasting some of the dough.

"Damn, it tastes this good before you've even baked it?"

"It's cookie dough! It's great raw and cooked," I explain.

"I guess you're right. I'm just tired."

"Why don't you go relax on the couch and I'll come spend time with you once the cookies are in the oven?" I suggest.

"I'd like that very much."

Moving fast, I put the cookies in the oven and set myself a timer. I hate burning food.

"Hello love," I enter the living room/dining room.

"Y/N/N," she smiles, making room for me on the couch and throwing her arms around me the second I sit down. I rub circles on her back, and feel as her hands brush the hair out of my face, in order to get a good look at me.

"Wow, you really are cold," I realize just how chilly her hands on my face are. She lets go of me so I slide my hands into hers, in an attempt to warm them up. She moves herself closer to me, letting go of my hands and wrapping her arms around me. She nuzzles her face into my neck, "I just wanna sleep."

"Okay, let's get you some sleep," I try to get her up and to bed but she resists.

"No, I want to sleep here, like this. You help me stay warm."

"Okay, but I'll have to get up in ten minutes to get out the cookies," I remind her.

"That's in ten minutes," she whines, her breath making the hair prickle on the back of my neck, "now is now."

I kiss her forehead, "okay, I don't see why not." I continue to hold her, she quickly drifts off to sleep and I'm left with little to do but  hold her close. She usually mumbles incoherently when she sleeps, it's something I've learned about her that I find absolutely adorable. I love getting to know all of the little aspects of her personality that not many people get to see about her.

I'm reluctant to leave such a peaceful position when the timer finally goes off, but I don't want the cookies to burn. Gently lifting her off me, she lets out a small groan, not wanting to let me go.

"I'll be back in a second, love," I reassure her. She's the most adorable human ever when she's sleepy.

The cookies are gorgeous. Perfectly golden brown, with the chocolate chips all melty. I bring one over to Jenna, whose consciousness is beginning to come back to her.

"Ooh! It smells even better now that it's cooked!" She grins in the dim light, "this is great, Y/N, thanks for making them."

"I was honestly just trying to do something to occupy myself," I shrug.

"Well, that 'something' made my day! Or should I say night?" she giggles.

"Well, considering it's two AM, I would say day," I chuckle.

"It's hardly the day, but I get what you're saying," she kisses my cheek, "now will you please come back to bed?"

"Fine," I pretend to complain. Honestly though, I could probably sleep now. I'm getting pretty tired.  We walk up to the bedroom, both of us falling onto the bed and finding each other's embrace.

"Goodnight, beautiful," I whisper.

"Goodnight, baby," she says back. And that's how we fall asleep. Happily in each other's arms.

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