Sunny Disposition

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Chapter 2

Robin woke late Saturday morning she looked out her window to bright sunlight peering in at her. She knew by the position of the sun it was late in the afternoon. It was not like her to sleep late but that wine did hit her right and was probably keeping her asleep.

She picked up her phone searching through cold filled eyes for the time 1:00? She stood stretching doing some light exercises like touching her toes and stretching her arms high  ending it with a few waist twists. She looked around her small but comfortable beach house opening the back door to allow the fresh the air to fill her lungs the sound of seagulls music to her ears.

She used the bathroom then went to get a glass of water. Her phone buzzed as it was on vibrate from the night before when she looked it was Luke. He tried calling her about four times she missed his call and then he text the text were Whimsical and lighthearted I hope you're okay I text you a few times and called and didn't get you when you wake up please give me a should. He sent her virtual roses and a virtual glass of orange juice. Robin sat at the bar stools of her kitchen sipping her glass of water Alexa start the coffee. The peculator popped waking her up even more so.

She picked up her phone to call Luke hi I'm sorry I was fast asleep. I was beginning to think you gave me a fake number. Robin giggled I would never do that I don't play games if I'm not interested in you I would just say. That's where you and I differ I have a hard time hurting people's feelings the most I'm hoping to get out of it is a friendship if I do give my number and it doesn't work out.

I understand I just think we're on two different ends of the spectrum if I have intent in mind of what we are supposed to be I really don't feel like it should go the opposite way I'd rather just cut my losses if that makes sense Lucas. Not Lucas Luke. Sorry Luke. Yeah my mom was a big Star Wars fan and still is she named me after Luke Skywalker. That is so cute oh my goodness. And you better not tell anyone what I'm about to say or I'll vehemently deny it Robin.

Now you have me inquisitive what is it? You promise not to tell anyone? I promise she laughed through a yawn and giggle. My middle name is Skywalker. No she didn't Robin giggled I love my black people we come up with original names and sometimes we do the most with our names but honestly that is kind of cute when you think about it.

No Robin it's not it was bad enough kids saying use the force Luke use the force Luke as I was growing up can you imagine if they knew that my middle name was Skywalker oh man the irony I would have had to suffer! Haha.

Robin giggled at his jokes you can't be serious. I'm so serious one day I'll show you my birth certificate so you will know I'm not lying and just trying to be extra nice. What is your middle name Robin?

I don't have one my grandmother was supposed to do the honors but she died three days before I was born my mother never gave me one in respect for her loss I guess. Oh yeah that must've been really hard mourning her mother and enjoying the birth of her daughter all at the same time.

Yeah it can happen that way so what are you doing today? Oh I'm going to work out a little and cook you know for the family and then after that I'm pretty much free to relax the rest of the day. Oh okay that sounds good. What about you robin, what are you going to do today?

I was thinking to go to the farmers market they come to my neighborhood on the weekends pick up a few organic items you know thrift around a little things like that. Oh you like thrifting too?. I love thrifting you have no idea I've even found a few items I've sold online for good money there's been times I'd purchase items I didn't think I would get anything on and they've sold and the ones that I did think I would get a lot of money on didn't sell for a lot it's the thrill of the hunt for me.

Yeah I perfectly understand I once found a Versace belt buckle in a Thrift Shop the old woman had no idea what it was and sold it to me for $3.50 I was flabbergasted she had no idea what she had in her possession. Did you sell it Luke? No I kept it and added it to my arsenal of designer clothing all from thrift shops I wish I did have a job to pay for all the high-end items I have. What do you do for a living? I am a doorman in an uptown swank building a lot of the items I receive were from tenants. You know rich people can be very wasteful they have a lot of surplus as I've been working there I have never bought a stitch of furniture for my apartment everything has come from them.

Aren't you the lucky one. Robin I have to run and get ready for my family they're coming for dinner but I'll be done with them around 9:30 or 10:00 is it okay if I call you when they leave? Absolutely I'll be here. Okay you have a good day I'll call you at 10:00. You too Luke speak to you then.

Robin bumped around running errands food shopping thrifting and enjoying her day. She showered and ready herself for bed when she looked at her phone it was after 10:00 there was no phone call from Luke she text are you okay? He read it but did not respond Robin was upset but didn't thinking maybe he still had family in the house and was unable to speak. Being that she met him online her mind boardered a runaway choo choo train descending her into ridiculously silly thoughts about what he possibly could be other than what he shared.

Maybe he's married, or has a bunch of baby mamas, maybe he has a lot of children and he needs to tend to them or a girlfriend in from town and he's visiting with her family tonight.

Maybe I'm just a plaything she thought something for him to pass the time. Her mind lied to her and made her feel like he was treating her like a fool. Her phone rang 20 minutes after her mental train left the station. It was Lucas she picked up the phone hey I was starting to worry about you are you okay? Yes I'm sorry I got caught up cleaning the kitchen and time ran away from me.

If you're sleeping I can give you a call tomorrow if that works. No tonight is fine I was thinking you may be with your wife or girlfriend or something I don't know she tried to laugh it off but Luke was quiet on the other end.

Robin I told you I'm not married I don't have a girlfriend and I don't have any children if I did we would have never met. I'm not a cheating man please believe that. I will try I've met so many men that have said that very thing to me only for me to find out that there was a wife in the closet or a child in the basement or a secret marriage in the Attic forgive me if I sound skeptical.

I understand I've been there with online dating it can be difficult so much so that when you finally meet the right person it feels as though the whole thing is a lie no one can be this good, no one can be this nice, he must be a serial killer or married to seven women in seven states with seven bodies
Under seven floors and seven houses with seven mortgages and seven tax debts hahaha.

Robin laughed with him at his joke but really there is nobody Robin I'm on the phone trying to get to know you that's all I need right now to be honest. I'm like you I'm trying to get off the roller coaster of online dating and meet one person I can settle down and be happy with if that makes sense. Robin smiled feeling silly about her run away choo choo train of thoughts knowing that she was dumping her baggage of the past on this new man and it was not right maybe she should get to know him and slowly let her guard down after all it wasn't him that burned her as many times as she's been burned.

I'll leave all that behind us on one condition Luke. What is that robin? That you and I can start over and not hold against me what I said? What did you say? I said--

Oh hahaha I understand thank you so much Luke for the second chance I won't let you down. You didn't let me down to begin with Robin trust me. The couple talked for an hour before Luke started dozing off to sleep I'm going to hang up now baby I'm getting so tired I'm so happy we found each other and we have so many commonalities I really do hope this thing works out.

I hope it works out too Luke. Okay babe I'll call you tomorrow? Yes sir I'll be here waiting. Okay baby if you don't hear from me you know you can always reach out too it's okay. I'm not the type of guy to think that you're sweating me or running me down. Okay when I wake I'll give you a call? Absolutely beautiful I'll be right here.

Robin hung up smiling about Luke she had a good feeling about him but deep down inside it seemed too good to be true had a prince really come along and recognized her as a possible princess?

He better be what he said he is she thought to herself if not it could go left. Robin let go of the thought of things going left trying to maintain a happy disposition.

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