Chapter 10

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There were people coming and going around, he stood quietly for a while, let out a sigh of relief, then walked towards the opposite direction of the flow of people, he himself was not the kind of person who liked to join in the fun, but he didn't want to sweep Liu Yuan away. Only then did I agree to come out to visit the Lantern Festival.

He also went to the Lantern Festival in his previous life. At that time, Fei Junhao was by his side. He never imagined that the gentle man who was so careful to protect himself from being bumped into by others at that time was just talking to himself from the beginning to the end. acting.

Those so-called tenderness and consideration are all fake.

The hands behind her back were clenched into fists quietly, and it took a long time before they were slowly released. Her thin lips were slightly pursed, and her black eyes, as bright as stars, gradually settled down. The wind blew gently, messing up the hair on his forehead, and pulling his wandering thoughts back to reality.

Only then did he realize that he had already walked to a place away from the hustle and bustle before he knew it. The place was quiet, and under the dim lights, it seemed that he was the only one left.

There was no sense of panic, and his eyes glanced around casually. A few steps ahead was the river channel. Countless river lanterns floated unsteadily from the upstream side, and the bustling upstream of the river channel could be vaguely seen.

He smiled silently. The smile couldn't tell what it was like, but his eyes were very flat looking at the dangling river lantern. It was an object that carried the shyness of each girl. Love is such a thing. , invisible, intangible, very illusory, but it always makes countless idiotic men and women like moths to the flame.

The surroundings are quiet and quiet, only the sound of gurgling water can be heard, the soft light shines down from the silver plate-like full moon, falls on the surface of the lake and refracts up again, the sparkling light vaguely reflects the gentle face of the young man , It's really like a crown jade.

The temperature in the autumn night is also very cold, and the cold air hits from all directions. Wen Zisheng tightened his clothes, turned around and prepared to leave. Since he was reborn, he has always cherished his body, reliving this life is such a thing , not everyone can have it, so he should cherish it.

Thinking of this, his footsteps stopped, and his eyes turned to the grass next to him, with a hint of doubt in his clear eyes.

——He just seemed to hear a sound coming from there?

After only thinking about it for a moment, he raised his feet and went there. If he heard correctly, what he heard seemed to be a human voice, and it was a painful moan.

He was not worried about any danger, and the person sent by his father to protect him had been dutifully following behind him, although he did not show up.

Carefully approaching the grass, Wen Zisheng raised his eyebrows in surprise the next moment.

Lying in the grass was a comatose young boy. The light was too dark to make out his appearance, but judging by his figure, he was about eleven or twelve years old. There were countless wounds on his body, which stained the boy red. The clothes on his body and the surrounding grass were also smudged with red blood.

Wen Zisheng walked a few steps closer and saw clearly the young man's appearance. He had a very ordinary face, his face looked pale under the moonlight, and his brows were tightly frowned. It was obvious that he felt uncomfortable even in a coma. The painful moan should have come from the young man who couldn't bear it.

Wen Zisheng raised his hand to touch the young boy's forehead, and it was hot to the touch, and his cold palm obviously made the boy feel better. When Wen Zisheng withdrew his hand, the unconscious boy subconsciously reached out to grab it, and then he was like a cat. Gently rubbed Wen Zisheng's hand with his face like a cat.

The slight surprise faded from his eyes, Wen Zisheng looked at the unconscious young man calmly, then gently withdrew his hand, and ordered without looking back, "Take him back."

If left unattended, the boy probably won't survive tonight.

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