Chapter 3 - New Friends

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Chris' Pov:

As we were talking to the Princess and Two Princes, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of her Highness. She looked ethereal in her Winter attire. "Stop it Chris you can't think like that about the Princess." I thought to myself. However she did look so cozy in her deep red cloak, with her hands deep in the muff. I was shocked to say the least when the youngest Prince, Jeongin asked us if we would like to spend the day with them. I noticed that straight away, Princess y/n looked panicked. "But what if they want to rest Innie?" She uttered whilst her face turned a deeper shade of red. Heh cute.
In order to comfort her worries, I announced to her "Don't worry Princess, we can rest in the afternoon and of course we will accompany you if that is what you wish." She immediately looked as if her mind was put at ease, which made me smile. She is so beautiful.

Y/n's Pov:

"How about we give you guys a ride to the dormitories, we need to drop off our things." Offered Minho. Before Felix or I could say anything, Innie happily agreed. "Well as long as it's okay with y/n." Uttered Felix.
Oh god everyone is looking at me.
"Uh yeah, okay, I'm not used to getting on a horse with a dress on though." I said, defeated. I usually rode horses in my equestrian attire, which has trousers.
Changbin walked over to me and said "Chris' horse is the calmest of the four, so I'll help you up."
Oh my god, I'm gonna be so close to him.
Chris jumped onto his horse's saddle and held out his hand. I looked up into his beautiful eyes and gulped nervously. "Do I have your permission to hold your waist My Princess?" asked Changbin politely. "Yes you do sir, please be gentle." I requested. I took my hand out of the warm muff, and held my arms slightly up and outwards. Chris then held me under my arms and pulled me up in-front of him as Changbin lifted me up effortlessly. I felt my dress was a bit extreme for this occasion, as it flared out when I sat. God I would've picked a smaller dress if I had known. "Should I stay side saddled?" I asked Chris. "I think it would be easier for you Princess." He responded gently. "I'm afraid I will have to hold onto your waist with one of my hands." Chris whispered into my ear. I immediately flushed red and hung my head low in embarrassment. "That's okay sir, as long as it's for my safety." I muttered shyly. "Of course Princess." He stated.

Author's Pov:

Meanwhile, Minho had offered for Seungmin to join him on his horse. To which the boy agreed, hopping up and straddling the horse behind the other male, holding his waist. Jisung also excitedly offered for Jeongin to have a ride. The Prince immediately said yes and repeated what the previous two boys did.

This left two men.
Prince Felix
and Seo Changbin...

To say Felix was freaking out was an understatement. He couldn't even look at Changbin without blushing a deep crimson red. "Prince Felix? Hello?" Changbin questioned, the boy had spaced out.

Felix's Pov

"Prince Felix? Hello?" I heard this and immediately snapped out of it. Shit I spaced out whilst fanboying over him.
I looked up towards him, he was so close. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Are you okay Your Highness?" Changbin asked, clearly worried. "I-I'm okay" I said awkwardly smiling while looking at the floor quickly. Why the hell am I stuttering. Get it together Felix.
"Seems we are the last pair, do you need help up?" Changbin offered as he leaped up onto his own horse. "Could I hold you whilst I get up?" I requested. "Of course you can." said Changbin whilst smiling welcomingly. After I hoisted myself up, I plucked up the courage to wrap my arms around the man sat in-front of me. "Let's get going!" I heard Chris yell.

Chris' Pov:

Oh. My. God.
The Princess was sat in-front of me watching as the other men got into pairs and situated themselves upon their horses. She is so perfect. I shook away the thought of wrapping my arms around her. She was so small in contrast to my broad shoulders.
I noticed that the last pair to get on their horse was Changbin and the eldest Prince. As I was watching them converse with each other, I swear my heart skipped a beat.
She was giggling softly with her hand over her mouth.
"What seems to be so amusing Princess?" I questioned. She stiffened slightly, but turned to look at me and giggled once more. "My brother definitely has the biggest crush on him." She laughed out. "He doesn't admit it though, but look-" she said, tilting her head in their direction. "Isn't it obvious." I looked over and saw Prince Felix with a great blush across is freckle-dusted cheeks. He was clinging onto Changbin's waist. "I see what you mean." I uttered whilst looking back at the Princess, she blushed softly.

"Let's get going!" I yelled, not too loud. Although I did accidentally startle the Princess in-front of me.

Y/n's Pov:

He could have at least warned me that he was gonna yell like that. It wasn't too loud though so I guess that was a good thing.

I felt his left hand move to hold my waist. As I was also facing left, his arm went around the front me. This made me lean into his chest as he grabbed the reins with his right hand.
I decided to get more comfortable because the dormitories were at least a 10 minute walk away on foot. We definitely weren't about to gallop there on horseback, I'd fall off!
I turned my body, and lifted my right leg to be resting in-front of myself.
He was hugging me with one arm now.
Neither of us acknowledged this and Chris started the horse into a trot.

"The snow is so pretty." I said with a smile. "It is indeed Princess." Chris calmly agreed. We carried on, in silence for the most of the journey.
I decided to glance over to Felix and Changbin when we were almost at the dorms. OH MY GOD HAHAHAHA
I couldn't contain my laughter when I saw that my brother had fallen asleep on the guards back.
"What's so funny Princess?" Chris said curiously. "Look... at my... brother." I said, my words broken up by laughter. "Ahhh, I see." I heard him say whilst laughing himself.
He has the most gorgeous laugh ever.

We arrived in-front of the Guard's Dormitories shortly after. Minho was the first to jump down after Seungmin. He walked over towards me and helped me get down safely. I thanked him for being so kind. I then turned around to thank Chris for being so gentle with me.
"Thank you so much for the comfortable journey Christopher, it was a pleasure." I said with a small smile.
I felt more at ease around him after those 10-12 minutes on the horse.

"Uhh, could I get a bit of help please?" I heard Changbin ask. He was still on his horse, with a sleeping Prince behind him. Jeongin went over and put his hand on Felix's knee, shaking it. After calling his name a few times, he woke up. It took him a few seconds to register the situation he was in. When he did we all couldn't help but laugh slightly. As he immediately removed his hands from Changbin's waist and hopped down from the horse. He was uttering millions of sorries and Changbin just laughed softly, informing the Prince that it was okay.

Author's Pov:

After the men had gone to their respective areas. They put their things back and changed clothes, then found themselves back at the entrance where the rest were waiting for them.

The group planned to walk to the Castle together, as they found they got along extremely well. They walked towards the stables, the guards guiding their horses. The stable was only a short walk away from the dorms. They then made their way up to the Castle.

Word Count: 1406

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