Chapter 15 - Visits

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Y/n's Pov:

Me and Chris are currently eating breakfast together in the dining hall. I loved waking up to him cuddling me, he's too cute. Today's breakfast is a full english, I take it Chris is enjoying his food as he is frowning whilst nodding his head. I have noticed this habit of his and its so hot, I love it.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Chris said smirking at me. I felt my cheeks start to burn with a deep blush as I shyly looked away. "Sorry I got distracted by your handsome face." I said with a pout. "Oh you're too cute." He teased.

Once we had finished our breakfast and Hyunjin had taken the dishes away to the kitchen, we planned what to do for the day.
"I think I want to spend some time in the Library today." I said with a content look. "It's the 27th of December today and my college work starts again on the 4th of January." I informed him. "Okay, so you still have a week left." Chris uttered.
"Okay, we shall head up to the library now Princess." He said joyfully. "You're lucky you can use that as a pet name." I said smirking at him as he tucked my chair in for me once I had gotten up. "Oh such a gentleman." I gasped dramatically, placing my hand on my chest. He laughed at my bad acting and walked towards the door.

Time skip

After spending a few hours in the library, it was now 12:00pm. My Aunt, Uncle and Cousins were to be arriving at 1:30pm. I had been reading some of the textbooks I had been given for the upcoming term, whilst Chris had been reading some books that interested him.
"Darling?" I called, Chris looked up at me curiously. "What's the matter sweetheart?" He asked. "Should we head down to the family room to wait? Felix and Changbin might be there." "Oh yeah of course we can Princess." He replied, standing up and placing the books back on their shelves. I stood and waited for him, he walked up to me and froze. "What's the matter??" He questioned. "Nothing." I said, although this didn't convince him. "Are you sure baby? you look really nervous." He worriedly said. I let out a shaky breath and sighed. "I'm really nervous because I haven't seen these people in years, and I've never been keen on my cousins, they can be nasty sometimes." I told him, tears threatening to fall. "Oh baby, why didn't you tell me before?" He said with a soft, caring voice. He pulled me into a hug and I immediately broke down into tears. "I-i'm sorry." I cried. "Oh honey it's alright, no need to apologise." He said as he rubbed my back softly. "It's okay to be nervous my love, especially when you struggle with your anxiety." He softly spoke. "You'll always have me there for you and when we go down, Felix and Jeongin can show you affection and support you." He told me sweetly. He hugged me tightly once more and pulled back, looking around the room, then kissing me passionately on the lips. I immediately kissed back. "Thank you Chris, what would I do without you ey?" I smiled weakly. He kissed me once more and held my hand as we walked to the door. "Princess, We will go back to your room so you can... uh... fix your makeup, then we'll-"
"Oh please don't tell me my mascara is down my face." I said. "Uh yeah y/n, it is." He spoke nervously. "Oh for fucks sake." I huffed, tears welling up once again, this time in frustration. "Come on y/n let's go!" He dragged me off down the corridor, trying to cheer me up.


Once I had redone my makeup, I walked back into my bedroom where Chris had been waiting. He stood up and walked towards me. He opened his arms and I immediately accepted the embrace as he cradled me softly. He did this for a while to ground me. We then headed down to the family room. The time was now 12:57pm.

As we were approaching the room, I could hear the distant sound of laughter and chattering. "Hey guys!" I said, trying to be as cheerful as I could. My Parents, along with Felix, Changbin and Jeongin were here. I received a few hellos, as did Chris. Felix and Innie took one look at me as I approached them and immediately knew something was wrong. They made room for me in between them on the sofa they were sat on. Chris went and sat next to Changbin.
"What's the matter y/n?" Felix asked whilst cuddling me from the side. "What do you mean lixie? I'm okay!" I said in an attempt to reassure him. "Oh come on y/n, you can't pull the wool over our eyes!" Innie said, also hugging me. "Fine! I'm just nervous because of Cordelia and Victoria's visit today." I admitted. "I see why y/n, neither of us three like them so we shouldn't worry." Felix said reassuringly. "I know but I can't help myself. I literally broke down to Chris about it about an hour ago, I even had to redo my makeup." I whispered with a pout. "You'll be okay y/n." They both told me as they hugged me. I simply relaxed into their embrace.

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