Chapter 44 - Gender?

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Y/n's Pov:

We are now in the room with the nurse as our appointment began. Chris helped me lift my dress up and put a large paper towel over my legs.
I winced at the cold gel on my stomach but quickly got used to the familiar feeling.

"Baby is getting on very well, growing lovely as usual." The nurse said happily as she scanned my baby bump. Chris looked so excited, it made me smile. "Right, let me have a look." She said in deep concentration.
"Aha!" She said which I assume meant that she found the gender. I felt Chris squeeze my hand gently, so I looked over to him and he smiled brightly at me.
"Would you like to know now? Or are you having a reveal??" The nurse asked. "We'd like to know now please." I said nervously. Chris nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay then, I've just had a good look around to make sure everything's correct. I'm happy to tell you that..."

"it's a girl!!!" The Nurse cheered.

I immediately brought my hands to my face as I felt myself begin to cry. I looked over to Chris who was celebrating to himself, I laughed at him and he rushed over to me. "We're having a baby girl!!!" He said before kissing my forehead. "I can't believe it!!" I said in both shock and joy.

"I can't wait to tell everyone." I whispered.


"Should we tell my Mum first?? I asked Chris as we walked back to our room with the newly printed scans.
"Yea, we can tell her and then go and visit my parents." He replied with a grin. He literally hasn't been able to stop smiling, it's so cute!
"And then it'll be right for our plans at 7!!! I can't wait!!" I squealed. Chris chuckled at my reaction.

(Y/n and Chris have invited Felix, Jeongin, Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jisung and Minho to meet them in the living area at 7pm so they can all have a catch up and find out the baby's gender.
The only twist is that Y/n and Chris haven't told them that they're finding out, they all think it's a usual hang out. 🤭)

"Hi mum!!" I said as we walked into her room, she was sat on the sofa reading a book. "Oh hello my darlings." She said with a warm smile as she set the book down on the coffee table. "Is everything okay?" She asked. "Yes! We've come with some good news." I said excitedly. "The baby is growing well." Chris told her as we sat down. "Oh that's good." She said. "Guess what Mum." I said happily. "You're having a granddaughter." I said before squealing.

"Oh my god!! Really?! Oh sweetheart that's amazing!!" She said in awe as she pulled me in for a hug. After a moment, she pulled Chris into the hug as well.
"I'm so proud of you two you know." She said as she looked at us both as we sat either side of her. I noticed her eyes welling up with tears which instantly made me begin to cry. "Oh mum-" I said as I began to cry. "I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother." Mum said as she cried. "I can't believe I'm going to be a mother!!" I laughed through the tears. "You'll both be great at your new roles, I couldn't think of two people better than you to be the mother and the grandmother to my children." Chris said as he comforted us both.
"Oh Chris!! You'll make me cry even more!!" I sobbed. Mum laughed as she handed me more tissues. "You're so sweet Christopher." She cooed as she ruffled his hair. He looked away embarrassed from her actions which made me laugh.

We spent some time with Mum until she wanted to go and visit Dad in the hospital wing again. Now it was time for us to tell Chris' family.

What is Love? (Bang Chan x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang