Chapter 40 - Wedding Pt. 2

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Y/n's Pov:

The large carriages were stationed in front of the castle as we descended the front steps. I got into the first carriage with my parents and my brothers. Chris got into the next one with his parents and siblings. The next carriage was for Hyunjin, Seungmin, Minho and Jisung. Finally the fourth carriage was for my cousins and other family members.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." I said as I looked out of the window. I sat on the left as Felix was wedged between Jeongin and I. "I'm so proud of you, you may still feel anxious at times but you've come so far." Mum said as she held Dad's hand.
We began entering the forest and I suddenly felt my chest getting heavy. That day when Chris was so close to a fatal injury...
It will stick with me forever. Minho will always be a hero in my eyes. There was no way Chris could've defended himself without his help.
I shook my head slightly, coming back to reality. Felix then grabbed my free hand while I held my bouquet tightly.

(That's the bouquet btw^^)

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(That's the bouquet btw^^)

After a while of Felix comforting me and after we got past the forest, I calmed down.
"You okay?? Wanna talk about it??" Felix asked as our parents were talking to Innie.
"I'm okay, it's just the first time i've been through that forest since Chris almost died there." I uttered as I stared out of the window. "Oh Y/n." He pouted as he put his arm around me. "Try not to worry, you're getting married to him in under an hour!!" Felix squealed as he cheered me up. I began to smile again as I remembered how special this day is.
"There's the smile I want to see!" Felix grinned as he kissed my temple. "I love you, you're the best brother Lix, so are you Innie!!" I said happily as I reached over to poke him. "I love you agi ppang." I teased and he blushed. Felix laughed as Innie pushed me away in embarrassment.
Our parents watched with a fond look in their eyes.

"The baby is moving again." I said out loud as it had gone quiet, we were almost by the village now. "Awh, I can't wait to feel the kicks." Innie said. "Yeah, me too. Just not the ones in the ribs." I said as I grimaced. This made Mum laugh.

Suddenly we began to hear cheers from the people who had gathered in the streets to see the procession. We all sat up straight and I prepared to wave to those who could see me.
The cheers got louder and we waved happily. There were children who were very excited to see a royal wedding. Some were in their parent's arms, some were stood in front of the crowd of adults. It was cute to see.

Eventually we arrived in front of the cathedral and the carriages stopped. We waited for our cue to get out. More cheers were heard which indicated that my cousins and other family members were getting out and walking up the steps. Then more cheers were heard and Jeongin peeped through the window. "Chris Hyung is walking up the steps with his family now." He said. "Minho Hyung, Jisung Hyung, Hyunjin Hyung and Seungminnie Hyung are walking behind them as well." He said eagerly. "That was a lot of times to say Hyung, Jeongin." Dad commented before laughing.

A guard then opened our carriage door and my brothers got out first. They then helped our Mum out of the carriage. After my dad got out, he gave me his hand and I also got out of the carriage. We linked arms and walked forward slightly.
Felix adjusted my dress and gave us the okay to go.
The crowd got louder as they could all see me now, and I'm not going to lie, it was very overwhelming. However, I had to keep a smile on my face.
We ascended the grand steps of the cathedral and I felt pure happiness surge through my body.

I'm finally marrying him!!

We stopped in-front of the large wooden doors and everyone entered apart from myself and my father.
After a few minutes of waiting, the beautiful sound of the organ met our ears.
I looked at my dad and smiled.
"I love you sweetheart." He said before the doors opened before us. "I love you too." I said with the biggest smile. We then began slowly walking through the entrance and down the aisle.
My eyes trailed across the room and I saw the faces of the people Chris and I invited. My smile grew bigger if that was even possible.
As my gaze fell to the front, I spotted Chris who was facing away from me. The groomsmen were stood to his side and my bridesmaids and men were stood on the opposite.
We got to the middle of the aisle and the officiant signalled for Chris to turn around.

It's as if time had stopped for the both of us. What felt like 5 minutes was actually a couple of seconds to everyone else.
His eyes met mine and he looked me up and down. He then looked to the ceiling and softly shook his head. I giggled at his attempt to get rid of his tears.
We reached the end of the aisle and my dad handed me to Chris after giving me a kiss on the forehead. He then joined everyone as they all sat down. Felix made sure my dress looked perfect and then it began.

As the officiant started to speak, I looked Chris in the eye and I felt a wave of emotion overcome me. He held my hands as Felix had previously taken my bouquet. My eyes soon welled up but I managed to blink away the tears.
Now it was time for the vows.

"Do you, Bahng Christopher Chahn, take Y/n L/n
to be your lawfully wedded wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death do you part?"

The officiant said clearly as Chris and I looked at each other lovingly.

"I do." Chris said with a big smile. I grinned and he squeezed my hands slightly.

"And do you, Y/n L/n, take Bahng Christopher Chahn
to be your lawfully wedded husband,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death do you part?"

"I do." I said as a satisfied feeling rushed over me.

"May I have the rings?" The officiant asked Lucas who was also our ring bearer. He nodded and passed the box over.
The officiant then opened the box and Chris got my ring out, carefully slipping it onto my finger. I copied his actions as I put his own ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride." The officiant said as he stepped aside.

We smiled and Chris pulled me towards him as we connected in a loving kiss. It lasted all of 3 seconds, however it didn't fail to show our love for each other.

"I love you!" He whispered. "I love you too, my sweet husband." I smiled as he got shy. We turned around to face everyone and I looked to see my family dabbing their eyes with tissues due to the happy tears. I noticed my whole bridal party softly crying, especially my brothers. The groomsmen were trying to play it cool but they were clearly the same.

Chris and I linked arms and Felix passed me my bouquet back again. We began walking back up the aisle to the doors and our parents followed. The bridesmaids/men and groomsmen were also behind them.

The grand doors opened and Chris and I looked at each other with a huge smile. We walked forward and stopped at the top of the stairs. The crowd was cheering like crazy now.

"Care for a kiss my darling wife?" Chris asked as he looked over the crowd. "I'd love one." I smirked.
He then turned to me and we kissed. The people obviously cheered more and more.

As we made our way down the stairs, I noticed a new carriage had arrived.
It was the one for just Chris and I.
It was decorated all in white with grand gold details.


Once we were seated in the carriage, I sighed in contentment. "You okay my love?" Chris asked. "Yeah, I'm just so happy." I said with a smile. "Me too baby." He replied. "Talking about babies, ours has been moving and kicking all day." I said. "Really??" Chris said, his eyes widening slightly. "Yeah, the kicks are starting to feel real now, not just a flutter." I said. Chris couldn't do anything but smile.

We held hands and the carriage began to move. Making sure to wave to everyone, we made our way back to the palace for the ball.

Word Count: 1544.

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