Chapter 12 - Change

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⚠️TW!!!! Panic attack⚠️

Y/n's Pov:

Chris, Changbin, Felix and I were just finishing our breakfast in the dining room, when my mother walked in. She had an urgent look on her face. "Ah I see Mr Seo and Mr Bahng are here as well, good morning." She said to us all. "Y/n, Felix your Father had a very important meeting last night as you are aware of." She began. I felt a wave of anxiety flow over me as she looked at me. I know my Mother well and it wasn't good. I felt my palms begin to get clammy and my knee was bouncing. "He needs to speak to you in his office, he also needs to speak to Mr Seo and Mr Bahng. Please come immediately if you have finished." She said with a nervous smile and rushing out of the room.
I felt like I was underwater, so far from everyone. Everything was so loud and my breathing sounded like strong winds that rattled my brain. I felt myself shaking and my palms sweating. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, my heart was pounding.
"Y/n! Y/nnnn!" I heard a voice say.
I recognised the voice.
It's Felix.
Where is he?
I felt a hand on my own, another on my arm. "Y/n? Can you hear me? Listen to me baby, I'm here for you, It's gonna be okay." I heard someone say, I realised it was Chris. I slowly began to breathe slower, looking around quickly. "Y/n listen to my voice, that's it, well done." Chris said as I looked him in the eyes. I started breathing slower, at a more natural pace. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asked with a deeply concerned expression. I noticed that my chair had been turned around and Chris was knelt in-front of me. I felt tears brim in my eyes as I looked at him. I then looked up and Felix was stood next to him with an equally concerned expression. Changbin was also there pouring a glass of water. I wiped away my tears as Changbin handed me the glass. I drank the water as my mouth was extremely dry. "Thank you." I croaked out. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." I said, hanging my head low in shame.
"Don't apologise y/n, you can't help it, you know that. It's just you haven't had a panic attack that bad in a while." Felix said whilst running his fingers through my hair and re-adjusting my tiara. I just nodded at him. "How long did it last?" I asked nervously. "About 15 minutes y/n, it took you most of that time to come back to us." Felix said gently as he pulled me up into a hug. He kissed the top of my head and spoke;
"Come on, we need to go and see what Father needs." I looked at him nervously. "You'll be okay don't worry about that." He added.
As I began to walk, my legs were a bit wobbly, so I had to hold onto Felix. I would've held onto Chris, but we don't want to raise suspicion.
As we arrived at the grand oak door of our Father's office, I sighed and knocked. The door opened and I heard my Father say loudly; "Finally, you're here! Come on in!"
"You two as well." He added, referring to Chris and Changbin.
We sat down on the chairs and waited for him to speak.
"The meeting called last night was very unexpected." He began. "However, we received some crucial information. The neighbouring kingdom on the east border are planning something." He told us.
His face turned extremely dark and serious. "They are after you." He said. "Us?!" Felix exclaimed, just as shocked as myself. "The Princes want you two, they both want to marry you. It is highly strange but we need to heighten security until it is sorted out." He explained. "We need you both to pick a personal guard to be assigned to you. This person will be with you all day, every day. They will only be away from you in the night and will be back by your side in the morning. At night time, there will be guards at each end of the corridor where your bedrooms are located and outside your windows." He told us.
"I want you to pick sensibly as this person will need to be someone who you are comfortable with." Our father informed us.
I was beyond shocked. A Prince from the East Kingdom wanted to marry me? AND his brother wants to marry Felix?! This is insane. "I want Chris to be my personal guard." I said immediately. "If he wants to obviously." I said looking at him nervously. "Of course I will Princess Y/n, I am more than happy to protect you with my life at all times." He said proudly. "I thought that would be the case." My Father said. "I would like Changbin to be my guard." Felix said, looking at Changbin for an answer. "I would gladly take on the role." Changbin said confidently. "Okay, It is agreed then. Mr Bahng will be the guard for my lovely daughter, and Mr Seo will be the guard for my eldest son." The King announced. "Men, You will be getting a pay rise from this as well. You will go from £30,000 per year to £38,000 per year." He told them. "Please look after my beautiful son and daughter well." He said, shaking their hands.

We left the room, not quite believing what happened. Chris and Changbin had to sign some documents and their schedule started today, which was basically just following us.
I decided to go to my room for a lie down, I definitely needed it.
Chris and I arrived at my bedroom door, we entered and I immediately went to the bed and took my shoes off. When I looked back up, Chris was stood there looking shocked. "Are you okay sweetheart?" I asked him. He made eye contact with me and I noticed some tears in his eyes. "Oh Darling, come over here let me see you." I said with a concerned tone. He immediately rushed over and hugged me. He began to sob. I didn't know what to do so I just let him cry.
We ended up on the bed, I was sat by the headboard, cradling Chris as he rested his head on my shoulder. He cried for about five minutes as I was cuddling him and giving him kisses. "Do you wanna tell me what's caused this now?" I asked carefully. "I'm just overwhelmed." He said with a cute pout. "I just got so scared when you had your panic attack. That's not your fault at all by the way, I've just never seen someone have one before, let alone someone who is so important to me." He explained. "Also finding out someone wanted to marry you angered me, because you are my girlfriend. I know it only happened last night but still." He said with a jealous pout. "Also the pay rise really got me emotional because I send a certain amount of my pay check home to help support my family. So having more money for that really helps." He told me.
"Oh baby, you're so sweet!" I said, squeezing him tightly in our hug. "Look at me." I told him. He gazed up and made eye contact with me. "You are the most caring person, the fact that you send money home to your family is so wonderful." I said. I leaned down and kissed him softly, lasting for about 10 seconds. I kissed him like this for a good few minutes with my hand holding his face, just soft pecks that lasted a few seconds each. "Thank you for worrying about me earlier." I said, looking into his beautiful eyes. "Unfortunately it does happen to me sometimes. The last panic attack I had was around the very start of December." I admitted whilst playing with his hair. "Baby it's okay, you can't help it. I know how it happens now and how to calm you down. I'll be there for you no matter what." He said with caring eyes.
I blinked away a few tears and kissed him again, more passionately than before. "You mean so much to me, Thank you for being there for me." I said as I got up. I pushed him over so he was laying on his back, then straddling his hips. "Thank you for volunteering to protect me Chris. It means the world to me." I said, looking down shyly. He sat up and hugged me whilst I was still straddling his lap. "Anything for my beautiful princess." Chris whispered in my ear before kissing my neck. "Chris!!!! That ticklesssss." I giggled. "AHHH STOP IT!!" I squealed as he began tickling my sides.
He began laughing as I put my hands on his chest, trying to push him down onto the bed again. "Oh baby you're so cute." He said whilst laughing. I pouted at this, causing him to coo.
His hands which were resting on my hips, moved down to my butt as he pulled me closer. He began kissing me deeply. We pulled apart enough for me to say. "I'm so happy you're mine." With a huge smile.

Word Count: 1575

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