52. Dance of Dragon

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Aelana slowly with cautious pace, Daemon one hand around her waist, wearing a beautiful black dress that was embroidered with red threads, represent her and her children's House Targaryen however her sleeves had small vines at the very end, done by the blue thread, representing house Velaryon that belong to her step daughter and surprisingly her neckline had lily flowers embroidered across it, something that belong to her late husband Rowan Aurelian.

She let out a deep painful moan from the back of her throat when they finally stop infront of the door behind which the meeting was being held. Taking in a deep breath, she smiled when daemon picked up her hand and placed a small kiss at the back of her hand.

Her eyes looking into his deep violet ones. there was a small silence, she noticed her daemon hand jerked a little, in order to rest on her stomach which was home to their daughter but he forced it keep at his side.

Bending down, without saying any words, his hand slip on her cheeks, his fingers long enough to tangle in her hairs, he rubbed her cheek softly with his thumb, bending a little more, his lips rested gently on aelana.

It was a motion to show her love, and she was happy for it. Smiling a little he move away, his eyes looking at aelana and he bend down again to peck her lips again with a ghost of a kiss and then her nose and then her forehead.

Standing straight, he kept the eye contact with his wife. She kept looking at him, his sharp cheekbones, his deep violet eyes, his rouge lips, his clean hairs which were neatly combed back. no words were spoken but Aelana nod at him, telling him she was ready to enter.

Daemon understood her but for his own relief, he ran his eyes over her again and when she saw her strong posture, he knew she was ready. Turning around he nod at the guard who was standing there, trying not to gaze at the beautiful love between his prince and high lady.

Turning around the guard open the door which groaned under its weight and create a small creepy creaky noise. "High Lady Aelana Targaryen, Princess of House Targaryen and Promised Oracle AND her husband Prince Daemon Targaryen of House Targaryen"

Aelana smirked at the mention of 'her husband' as if he belong to her, as if she owns him. however she didnt tease him because daemon would happily agree with the announcer. Actually being prideful of the fact that he was her husband and she kind of rule over his soul.

Hand in hand with Daemon, she walked into the room, many eyes, more than half of them family looked at her proudly. Aelana firstly went over to her children, all of them dressed perfectly, Rhaena and baela standing next to their betrothed jace and Lucerys.

Viserra standing next to Princess Rhaenys, she looked just like her, her hairs, her body, her face, everything. After all it was no surprise because they were related by blood. However aenya stood next to Prince Corlys, his hand resting over the young teen girl hand. Maerys and baelyx were on other side of table.

With a straight plain face, Aelana walked toward the table, standing by it, right on the other side of where rhaenyra was, her hands over the cold smooth wood. she nod at everyone, her eyes staying over lord Corlys for a few seconds more and it was unnoticed by him or his wife who both send her nod, telling her that he was fine.

"Aelana" she heard her name being called by her niece and even though she was already looking at her, she smiled at rhaenyra proudly and before anyone could act, Aelana bend down on her knees, bowing down in front of her "My Queen"

Rhaenyra eyes widened and she rushed from her place towards her aunt, taking her by the shoulders and making her stood straight. with tears in her eyes, rhaenyra shook her head at her auntie "You bow to no one. not even me"

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