41. In this lifetime and every other...

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It's been a month since Aelana's trip to King's Landing to meet her brother

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It's been a month since Aelana's trip to King's Landing to meet her brother. She had stayed over the night at Red Keep and flew out early the next morning. But no matter how hard she tried to be sneaky, her niece and nephew were sitting outside the dragon pit, waiting for her arrival.

Helaena had hugged her tightly, while Daeron only waved at her with a smile. Aegon had wrapped his arms around her body, crying horribly and loudly with snot running down his nose, begging her to stay and not leave or take him with her, Aemond, on the other hand, would only look at her with begging eyes.

His heart wanted her to stay, but even Aemond knew that his aunt deserved the life she was about to go and live with Daemon Targaryen. No matter how vile, Aemond's uncle was good and kind to her auntie.

The moment she flew from King's Landing and reached Driftmark, everyone was waiting for her to depart for Dragonstone. Aelana and her children had spent far too much time at the Driftmark castle; it was time to return to their ancestral home. They all flew to a dragon stone, which was perched atop their dragon. The dragons' huge bodies cast a shadow on the sea. turning day into night.

Aelana rode on cannibal with Aenya; Maerys and Baelyx on Varos; Viserra on Valae; and Daemon on caraxes along with his daughter Rhaena. Baela decided to stay back with her grandmother, and Daemon was proud of her decision.

Currently, Aelana sits on the chair inside her room, in front of the mirror. Her nails dug into her palms, drawing out blood. The door to her room was opened, and with clenched hands, Aelana turned her head to look at the intruder.

Her smile widened as she saw Princess Rhaenys and Princess Rhaenyra enter the room.

Rhaenys gasped when her eyes fell upon Aelana; she went back in time to when Laena and she used to get dressed up in their shawls and act married. Rhaenys wasn't present at Aelana's first marriage, but she heard that she was a beautiful bride.

However, it appeared as if an angel was standing in front of her; Aelana was dressed in a beautiful white gown that perfectly covered her body. This piece is adorned with a genuine pearl from the driftmark and dragonstone shores.

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