18. Justice

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(mention of sexual assault. nothing detailed but still if it bothers you. I have left a little summary at the end so you dont miss out what happens in this chapter) (also I will try to separate the part by putting **** signs, so it you want to not read that specific part, then its easier to avoid it. hope this i helps)

It has been few days since daemon left and life was back to normal. No more late night trips to brothel, no more yelling and cursing and heart breaks.

But her days has been very fulfilling and peaceful since otto was gone and replaced by Lord Lyonel Strong as lord hand. he was actually very nice to Aelana and she could see the respect in his eyes every time he talk to her.

He often drop by her practising sword with his oldest son Ser Harwin Strong and unlike other man Lyonel Strong seem to take interest in her sword training, He even told Aelana that he cant wait until she finally beat his son, Harwin Strong truly in the fight.

Aelana days were consists of waking up, getting dress, practicing sword with Ser Harwin, spending time in library, dropping by the rooms of her nephews, eating and sleeping.

Today was different, today was anniversary of Aelana grandparents. even thought they both died in different years but on same date. So every year, without hesitance Aelana celebrate their lives by honouring their death.

There were few who even in death need to be remember, and King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne was one of them.

Aelana was laying in her bed, twirling the bracelets of her nephews in between her fingers. Apparently Alicent had seem to noticed the bracelets, she questioned the maid about their whereabouts and when Alicent was told that Aelana gave them to Aemond and Aegon; Alicent took them off and ordered them to be thrown away.

Aelana was also told how Alicent said that her children weren't going to wear cheap things from the city.

The maids were ordered by the Queen to throw away the bracelets but valeri had heard the whole conversation and instead took the bracelets from maids and bought them back to her high lady, Aelana.

Aelana wondered why Alicent didnt see the sentiment behind it but only its price. when Aelana saw them first, she didnt thought how cheap or normal looking they were but how cute her nephews would look wearing them on their chubby little arms.

she loved them and immediately bought for them. How even on a night out, Aelana seemed to be thinking about her nephews and not herself. and even Aegon loved it so they were not that bad.

she was in deep thought when the door of her chamber was knocked. "Come in" she announced and saw valeri enter with tray of food in her hand. "Good Morrow High lady"

"Good morrow valeri" Aelana smiled at her and valeri put down the tray on the table. "Should we get started High lady"

Aelana nodded at her and valeri immediately get to her. Aelana washed her body and got dressed in a white color dress, it had gold embroidery on it with red roses on it sleeves.

Aelana didnt ate anything, she got dressed quickly, the sun was risen and the red keep would burst into energy soon. But she didnt wanted to see anyone for now. She strapped her dagger at her side decided to head out.

Aelana thanked Valeri and quickly made her way out of he room. the guard outside her room immediately bowed down at her, feeling unable to breath upon gazing her beauty.

Lifting her dress, Aelana made her way towards the outer garden of Alysanne. upon reaching the grounds, Aelana stop by the entrance and took some of the roses.

Walking inside, Aelana reached the middle and sighed. Tears filling her eyes. the wind blowing through her hairs and leaving goosebumps all over her body.

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