51. Withdrawal

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Aelana felt water rushing down the through her nose, and getting to her brain, the pain and sudden ache it brought with the lack of oxygen. Opening her eyes she sat up on the ground she was laid upon, clutching her heart tightly.

Her hairs a mess and her clothes muddled with wet sand, her legs weak and shaking. "Aelana! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" the voice reach her ears and some soft yet harsh hands took a hold of her shoulders shaking her violently.

Blinking her eyes, she tried to strain her vision to get the clear view of the person that was infront of her, calling out the name which was last on her conscious. "rowan?" she mumbled slightly, and focused on the soft white hands which were removing the wet hairs from her face.

"rowan?" she mumbled again and this time her view cleared to see Janeth crouched down in front of her, a crazed look in her eyes. "Aelana? aelana are you okay?" she questioned and aelana sighed.

Shaking Janeth hands off her body, she stood up on her shaking legs and turn around to get a 360 view of the beach. "where is he? where is he janeth?" a sharp tone in her questioning voice. Facing Janeth she raised her brow and the woman looked at her confused "who? where is who?"

Tears brimmed upon Aelana eyes, but never fall down and she yelled at her friend, a nervous jolt running through her body "ROWAN! WHERE IS MY ROWAN? WHERE IS HE. HE WAS....HE WAS HERE" She screamed and Janeth tug on her hairs for a second.

"What are you taking about? no one is here. its just us Aelana" Janeth tried to reason but aelana shook her head quickly. "no you said you hid him and that....that he was paralyzed. and I just heard him and he was here and..."

"I never said that, i was telling you the directions to here..!?!?"

"No janeth you said he was alive ands here and"

"Rowan is dead Aelana. what are you saying" Janeth tried to reason but aelana look at her friend helplessly. "Where is he. please tell me where is rowan. TELL ME. I BEG YOU TELL ME" She pleaded.

Janeth eyes ran over her friend. her hairs wet, in knots and muddy. her clothes drenched with sea salty water, her eyes wide, red like a mad woman, cheeks painted with streaks of tears, her breath unlevel and quick, and her legs which were covered with white pants were dyed red with the blood of her dead child.

Too much blood loss, she had too much blood lost, too much trauma and no rest. Janeth  eyes widened upon realization. She had often seen these signs in the whores of the brothel she was part of.

Hallucinations, Aelana was having hallucinations, in order to cope with all the lost she had suffered. And then look up at her friend, taking vicious steps toward her, she took a hold of her face and brought her face close enough that they could feel each other breath.

I pained Janeth but she knew it was necessary to do this. Clutching aelana head tightly in her own she yelled at her "ROWAN IS DEAD. HE IS DEAD AND HE ISNT COMING BACK. YOUR BROTHER IS DEAD AND HE ISNT COMING BACK. YOUR DAUGHTER IS DEAD AND SHE WONT COME BACK EITHER"

Aelana eyes were wide and horrified, as if someone just tell her the truth, as if hearing it from someone else had fulfilled the truth she was denying. Janeth eyes softened and she put her own forehead upon Aelana, sighing she whispered to her "Go to Dragonstone. Go to your husband and your children. Go. now."

Upon hearing Janeth words, aelana blinked and took a step back, her eyes went down to the bag which had the bloody sheets in them. Janeth picked up the bag and hand it over to aelana. Her eyes still on the bag, she took it from Janeth and hug it tightly to her chest. like she was cradling her child.

Looking up at Janeth, knowing very well that she wasn't strong to say another word, aelana only nod at her which was accepted. Turning her back to Janeth, Aelana faced cannibal. Her Dragon, her wrath.

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