16. Aftermath

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Aleena felt a small kick in her face. With her eyes still closed she Groaned and lift her hand to shield her face. Annoyed, she turned her head and was about to get back to sleep when she was once again kicked in her face, specifically on her cheek followed by a giggle.

Sighing Aelana turned her head back in same direction it was and opened her left eye to glare at her tormenter. But she couldn't help the smile that seemed to show up on her face at seeing Aemond giggling face.

She didnt remember when she followed Aemond into a slumber but turns out Aegon had same plans seeing how he was spread on the floor next to her. His hairs a mess, laying on his stomach with drool coming out of his mouth and his feet and arm wide spread.

Aelana wondered how they would have look if someone broke in, Aelana on floor, with Aemond on top of her and aegon next to her, looking dead. She squinted her eye at the little boy, Aegon love sleeping like a homeless.

Apparently Aemond had woke up from his nap and decided to kick Aelena in the face for fun, or to entertain himself. Before Aelana could get up she was once again kicked in her face, this time her nose.

Immediately sitting up, Aelana groaned and touch her nose "AEMOND" she said a bit loud and the boy laughed like he was having the best time of his life. Squinting her eyes Aelana glare at him sarcastically and then she moved forward and pick up the boy who tried to get out of her hold.

But Aelana laughed at his empty attempt and raising his shirt from stomach, Aelana blew raspberry on his stomach and Aemond burst into high pitched giggles. she looked at the boy and once again did it and Aemond yelled laughed again.

She was sure the whole red keep could hear his laugh and wonder why Prince Aemond was in good mood, because Aemond was very moody child.

Stopping because Aemond was red face, Aelana looked at him and she couldn't stop herself because she grabbed his face gently and kissed him on his chubby cheek, rubbing her nose in his cheek. Sometime she found him so cute that she just wanted to squish him.

moving back she look at aemond and Aegon and just wished that they would stay same. happy, laughing, sleeping in her arms, not getting annoyed at her little kisses and loving. Looking out she saw that sun was up in the sky meaning she slept for almost two hours.

Wondering where their maid is, Aelana stood up, leaving both princes on ground and walked to the door. Opening it she saw the guard who bowed upon seeing her. She was about to ask him to go look for princes maid but Aelana saw her rushing toward her from end of corridor.

She reached Aelana and bowed her head "Where were you?"

Aelana questioned feeling nothing but protective of her nephews. The maid was gone for two hours almost, if Aelana wouldn't be there than that means that the little princes would be alone and no child should be left alone that long.

They weren't just princes, they were little babies, they are precious little soul, they were Aelana nephews.

She was about to be mean to the girl but the maid said "My High Lady i came back but you all three were sleeping. so i decided to go help in kitchen but i checked on you every 15 minutes"

Aelana looked at her then at the guard and asked the guard right in front of the maid "is she telling the truth?"

she knew that maid may lie but sworn guards wouldn't and when he replied with 'yes'. Aelana nodded and look back at the maid but now with less intensity. "Make sure you always keep an eye on Aegon and Aemond. They maybe are princes of this realm to you but they are my nephews"

The maid looked down and nodded her head "yes high lady"

Aelana nodded back and giving one last look at still sleeping Aegon and babbling Aemond she walked away and towards her room.

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