5. Small council

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Once Aelana had sneaked back into her room, cleaned herself and got dressed. She decided to look for Alicent and Rhaenyra.

She walked theough the halls with various people stopping and bowing down to her. To which she simply smiled in return.

She couldnt found the pair and almost gave up on them when she found them aproaching from her.

"Rhaenyra. Alicent where were you guys. I was looking for you"

"Oh we were near weirwood trees" Alicent replied and Aelana nodded.

"Ah makes sense seeing i didnt look for you both there"

Rhaenyra all of sudden walk forward and hold aelana hands in her "Dear lana can you please serve wine in small council tomorrow!"

Aelana smiled back "yes sure i will. But why. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah..."but before she could say anything else she looked at alicent and sighed "Alicent i hate to say this but can you please leave us for a moment"

Alicent immediately knew not to question her princess but she was also curious. Yet she nodded "ofcourse. See you later princess. My Lady"

Alicent used their titles to bid them goodbye as a way to remind them that they were high in position and a way to mock them.

But aelana didnt care for she saw it as a win.

Turning around she look ar rhaenyra and raised her brows "do you know that uncle daemon is here? I saw him sitting on iron throne spurting non sense."

Sighing and dropping her shoulders, Aelana said "yeah i know. I could feel caraxes presence and i went to visit him and there i found your uncle, standing in the dark of dragon pit"

Rhaenyra eyes widened "You saw him"

"Yeah and he was spurting nonsense about being heir."

At this rhaenyra rolled her eyes and took aelana arm in hers. Both of them walking "yeah he thinks mother wont birth a boy and he will be the next heir"

Aelana scoffed and tighten her hold on rhaenyra arm "I would rather see you on that iron throne than daemon"

"Yeah but you do hope to see him everyday. Dont you?" Rhaenyra smirked and Aelana rolled her eyes

"No i would actually be quite happy if i dont see him. Ever!"

Rhaenyra laughed at this and nudged her aunt shoulder "come on aunty we all know how you look at him when he isnt looking back"

Aelana scoffed and stopped walking taking her arm out rhaenyra's "i dont want your uncle"

"The redness of your cheeks says otherwise Lana"

Aelana said nothing back but simply smack rhaenyra arm. They had both reached rhaenyra room.

"Goodnight princess" Aelana said to rhaenyra who smiled back "you too Lana"

Once rhaenyra has entered her room. It was late enough and Aelana decided to retire to her room.

She reached to her room and saw the her guard Troy who always have night duty outside her room, standing at his position.

Troy was no doubt an attractive man and Aelana has heard of his adventures in silk street. But he respected Aelana too much to even look in her eye.

And Even though he was beautiful, Aelana never felt something toward him. "Good night troy. May you have an easy shift"

The guards were told to never interact with the royals. Not until they engaged with you. And only talk when necessary.

By rules Troy was to stay stone face but Aelana had told him that she needs a human to guard her and human talk.

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