27. Dragonstone

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(For high valyrian translation check comment)

After that horrible vision, Aelana couldn't really slept well. She spend the rest of night as if she was sleeping on coals, looking at rowan with envy who looked like he was being kissed by angels in his sleep.

The sun rose and before its rays could hit the ground, Aelana got up from her bed. Sighing that the night was finally over. It was too early even for rowan so she let him sleep and decided to get dress into something less scandalous.

She knew laenor wont mind seeing her in the sheer dress, he would probably smirk at her and tease her. As for rowan he always look to proud when Aelana wear something which shows her skin.

As he once said 'wear what you want wife, I can fight well'.  but the ladies and lord of court were very small minded. And her meeting laenor dressed like this would create another gossip.

Aelana took off her sheer dress, he back still facing rowan she put on her last night dress. Being to anxious to pick out anything new. She ran her hand through her hair and looking in the mirror she saw dark purple eye bags.

She turned around to saw rowan cuddling to her pillow and smiled at him. Before wasting another second Aelana walked out of her room, and toward where she knew she would find laenor. Aelana steps were rushed and the red keeps halls were still devoid of sunlight.

The sky looked blue with clouds, and mist. She could hear birds chirping and dragon roaring in the distance. with hurried step Aelana reached to the room and slammed it open.

Laenor with sitting there with his back resting on bed frame, his hairs a mess, his shirt gone and a book in his hand. He was in the middle of licking his finger to turn the page when at the sudden entrance of Aelana, he froze.

Laenor look up at Aelana, his brows squinted together in confusion. Aelana had thought she looked alright but she looked as if she was a mad woman. He saw how Aelana eyes ran around the room, and closing his book. He put it on the table and said "He is not here"

This was the laenor room for his extra curricular activities with a certain man. Hearing him say that his lover wasn't here, Aelana closed the door behind her and walked toward the bed. Without his invitation, she climbed onto the bed and sat down next to him, putting her head on his shoulder.

Aelana knew many people in the keep, she loved few of them and trust only handful. laenor was one who fit all categories. Aelana was close to rhaenyra but than again rhaenyra was her niece and she cant tell her everything, Rowan was her husband and get worried too easily.

Laenor was her bestfriend, the only best friend who knows her deep dark secret. Surprised at her sudden actions, laenor tilt his head and wrap her arm around her shoulder. "You okay woman?"

Aelana shook her head "yeah its just-" before she could complete her sentence, laenor sat up and look at her all serious "Is it our children? viserra, baelyx, jacaerys? whose ass do I need to whoop and I will whoop it without guilt"

Aelana eyes crinkled, she loved how he think of Viserra, baelyx and jacaerys as if they were all of their children and love them equal. She chuckled at him talking about whooping them and shook her head "No don't worry they are still sleeping. its me and my visions"

The atmosphere went from funny to serious and laenor looked at her serious "What visions? last one you got was when jace was born."

Aelana was so annoyed, Witches of Amaris were suppose to have power over their visions, they can control them to see past, presence and future. It was their the essence of their existence.

And there she was, she had hardly total of 5 visions in her whole life and all of them were unexpected and out of her control and too vague. she had read hundred of books but there was no information about the witches if Amaris.

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