40. Unconditional promises

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Aelana was rummaging through the extensive library collection at Driftmark castle. Looking for some history book with real facts and girth for Aemond, That boy loves books more than he loves his siblings. A knack he picked from his auntie.

Even when they were little Aelana would often read them stories in the garden and he was the only one who would have his full interest in it. Currently her bag for the journey to kings landing was packed an d sitting on the bed.

Gifts for Helaena, Aegon and Daeron were already picked. But as per her request the maester of the driftmark has pulled out some very old version written by Targaryen maesters at the time of battle and she was scourging through them, trying to pick a perfect find for Aemond.

She had picked a book of philosophies for Aemond. It was no common philosophy book, it had materials and stories in it that was passed down from generation to generation, leading all the way back to Old Valyria, when it thrived. The first entry was by a Targaryen Maester who was alive 50 years before Valyria Doom.

She had already picked Aemond book and was looking for something for Helaena, something insect related, that girl would love to read about all the extinct bugs of Valyria.

She was looking through the bundle when her eye feel onto the book with a leather binding and she knew immediately that aemond would love it. picking out the book from the bundle, she open it to see the contents of it.

Smiling when she realized that the chapters outline were along the lines of history of Targaryen and their conquest. Holding the book in her arm, She turned and nod at the maester, a way of telling her that she will also take that book but for herself.

The maester smiled at Aelana nodding his head back "Ahhh you picked the perfect one High Lady. That was written by no maester by Queen Visenya Targaryen herself. You would find the real truth about all the bloody battles and Targaryen power in it."

Aelana eyes widened, her eyes fell upon the book and then back at the maester. "Visenya Targaryen wrote this? The woman herself? I don't understand how come she was allowed and"

Aelana wasn't one to belittle woman, she was actually shocked that a woman wrote this book, even when woman were seen as nothing but dirt. She wondered how she was even allowed to do something so empowering.

The maester smiled at her and shook his head "Queen Visenya rode Vhagar, she didnt need anyone permission for writing a book. But after her death this book was to be destroyed by faith of seven. However at that time the we Velaryon really respected her and to swear loyalty to King Maegor we asked for this book in return. This book has been kept safe here for decades."

Aelana looked down at the book and back at maester, this book really meant a lot for the Velaryon, she put the book back down at the table with a sigh, looking back at the maester she smiled "I cant take this. I knew Velaryon respected Queen Visenya Targaryen but to this extent. I cant take it."

The maester open his mouth but he was disturbed by the sound of Lord Corlys, the sea snake. Aelana turned to look at hi while maester bowing his head walked away from the pair. Corlys slowly walked toward the table and picked up the leather bound book.

He watched it carefully and then moving his head he pushed the book in Aelana way, "Take it, it belongs to you"

Aelana eyes widened and she shook her head "No lord Corlys, your ancestor got this book in exchange of your house loyalty, I cant take it." Lord Corlys look at her for a second and then a smile showed up on his face.

He chuckled at her and said "My ancestor would have bent down his knee for Maegor anyways. He just loved Visenya too much to see the object she so loved get destroyed" Aelana brows frowned at the sea snake, a bit confused at him.

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