11. Aegon's name day

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It has been two years, two years since Aelana had seen daemon. she could still remember the intensity with which he had kissed her.

if she close her eyes, she could still feel his hot breaths on her face, his large hands roaming up and down caressing her body, the way he had make those small noises while kissing her, the spark in his eyes like he had touch and angel.

Even though Aelana was no angel.

Two years. he had haunt her days and night. every single time she think of him, she felt her body filled with fire. hot burning fire.

Aelana needed to let it out, before it claimed her and burn her inside out. so Aelana had decided to train. it was not like anyone could stop her.

She had seen the son of Lord Strong training in the field, the way he wield the sword, beautifully and deadly. Aelana still remember the shock on his face when she had approach him.

It was seen as a taboo for woman to lift a sword but it was okay for a 14 year old girl to get married to man in his 30s and have their child.

sometimes Aelana wished she could get on the dragon along with all those girls and flew away somewhere safe. far from the claws of men.

At first she didnt ask him to train her directly, no. Ser Harwin Strong was a beautiful man but she wanted to know if he was as beautiful from inside.

Aelana had spend multiple days with him, watching him train. It was after a week when Harwin Strong figured out that High Lady only come to see him when he was training.

He saw the way she would take in his every move, the way he rotate his arms and wield his sword. His stable footing, his stance. she never look at him but the way he moves. like she was learning.

It took Harwin Strong too much courage to ask his High Lady if the reason she watched him so closely was to learn how to fight.

Aelana had went beet red but she knew it was true an had nodded her head. since that day onwards Aelana had started training.

Aelana was no common human, she was with of Amaris and she think that it was the reason she had become so good so early. in the span of two years Aelana had command over swords and she could fight with two of them.

she never used shield for it slowed her down. many men underestimated her, many men lost their limbs and respect.

Currently she was suppose to be dress up looking all pretty celebrating Aegon II's name day. viserys son from Alicent named after the conqueror, how original.

But she was in the area behind the red keep where many people doesn't visit and was practising archery.

Like all other arrows, her last arrow landed in the red circle and she turned her head at the sudden noise of clapping. She saw Valeri standing there, by her side Layla the head of kitchen servant.

both women who loved and respect Aelana more than she could imagine, maybe it was because Aelana never treated them as low life servants.

"Ladies? shouldn't you be working, its our prince second name day?" both Layla and Valeri look at their High Lady and valeri spoke up "my lady King Viserys, your brother looks for you."

sighing Aelana put away her weapon and drop her shoulder walking toward two women. "Why does he need me? am I suppose to blow the candles?"

Aelana had walked past the two and toward her room who immediately pick up their dress and follow her High lady.

After a while she reached the stairs and walking up towards her room. Every person who came in her way stopped and bowed to her. Some in respect and other because it was needed. while Aelana only smiled back to all them.

Dragon's Oracle // Daemon TargaryenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang