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☆︎ SEPTEMBER 25TH, 1996 ☆︎

"Just go over it one last time for me," Sheriff Burke requested.

Indiana refrained from rolling her eyes. It was one in the fucking morning, and the police had been questioning her for an hour and a half.

After being treated by the ambulance workers that got Casey down from the tree and took her and Steve off in body bags, they treated the cut on Indiana's forehead and sent her to the police station. Virginia was called from the hospital, as they couldn't question a minor without her guardian present.

With one of those thick blankets wrapped around her, Sheriff Burke, Dewey, and Virginia all listened to Indiana's account of the night — Mrs. Becker tried but she couldn't stomach the details while Mr. Becker left after she got through it all the first time.

"He called the house repeatedly. We thought he was some loser that wanted to talk to someone. But then he said he was watching me through the window, so I hung up and went back to Casey in the kitchen to tell her. I was supposed to leave but I told her I was going to stay until her parents got home after that. We locked all the doors. He kept calling and then rang the doorbell. The next time he called, we tried to scare him off by threatening him, but he knew Casey's boyfriend wasn't coming because he already had him tied up on the patio. He made Casey answer these movie questions, and when she got one wrong, he killed Steve. When he asked her what door he was at, he said we'd live if she got it right. But Casey told him she wasn't going to answer, so he threw a chair through the patio doors. I pushed Casey ahead of me to run and went to follow, but I tripped over the coffee table. I guess I hit my head because the next thing I know, Mr. Becker is shaking me awake and Casey is gone."

Indiana sounded fairly emotionless as she recounted the night. She didn't need to go into detail, as she'd done that twice already, repeating the phone call nearly word for word for the police report. The only thing she didn't tell them about was the masked killer standing over her — it was odd enough that he didn't kill her when she was knocked out. But to have spoken with her before leaving her behind to chase after Casey? It looked bad. Suspicious.

"And why were you at the Becker house tonight if you weren't friends?"

Indiana refrained from rolling her eyes. "She was hiring my band to play her Halloween party. I was there to talk about the details and have her give me a deposit."

"But Halloween is a month away," Dewey told her with a confused frown.

"People have been asking since last Halloween for us to play their parties. We're kind of a big deal in Woodsboro," she told him, crossing her arms defensively.

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