Chapter 7

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Valentino sat on the couch checking out all the files that Ares had put in order after a certain rude lawyer destroyed his office. Yet he was not truly paying attention. His mind was far too preoccupied by her.  He could not stop thinking about her hugging that guy. When his men sent him the pictures of her in the arms of another man. He felt his blood boil, he was more than mad but why? He couldn't be jealous, right? Fuck he was not even mad when he watched her wreck his office but the picture of her with another man was all it took to make him livid.

He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Not only that. She wasn't even scared of him. Not one bit scared. She was not affected and that intrigued him more. His life had took an unexpected turn for sure. He was supposed to be in Italy right now. But here he was stuck with a stubborn, hot headed Lawyer as wife.

He shut the file since there was no point in reading it. He then stood up from the couch and headed upstairs to his room. He opened the door and searched for his wife only to find her on the balcony. Well at least, she's not breaking anything again. Sighing softly, he entered in his walk in closet to fetch some clothes but came face to face with all his suits on the floor with holes in them?!

"LUCASIA!" He shouted loudly. Now enough was enough.

"Yes my lovely husband" She replied behind him.

He clenched his jaw and turned around to stare at her. "What's this?" He pointed to the mess on the floor. "Do you even know how expensive these suits are?" He added with a low growl.

"Not as expensive as my freedom" She replied looking unfazed. That infuriated him even more.

"Gattina. I'm really trying to treat you well but you are seriously getting on my nerves. You sick woman" He said rubbing his forehead. Good lord. What was he going to wear tomorrow? He would have to order new suits.

"I don't get why you are mad. They are just holes. Nothing much. I mean I could have burn all of them yet I did not " She replied looking at her nails.

"Unbelievable! They are just holes?! Those are my clothes!" He stated not believing this girl was real.

"Yes I'm very much aware those are you clothes which is why I did that" She replied smiling cheekily. God have mercy. This woman was infuriating.

"Clean up that mess" He ordered pointedly but she just laughed softly in reply. Was she really not scared? He was the Italian mafia boss for fuck sake.

"Ain't happening" She replied crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh it is! You are cleaning that mess now!" He said loudly.

"Raising your voice does not scare me you know that right? " Lucasia stated calmly. Having enough of her, he cursed under his breath and turned away from her. There was no point in talking with her anyways.

He therefore silently picked up his suits one by one and placed them in their respective place. He then took some clothes for him and grabbed a towel before pushing past her to enter the bathroom feeling irritated by the victorious smile on her face.

Once he was inside, he quickly stripped out of his clothes and turned the shower on allowing the water to run down his back soothingly. His tense muscles instantly relaxing with the hot water. A good bath was exactly what he needed. This woman had managed to piss him off more than anyone in just one fucking day. How was he going to bear her presence for the rest of his life? He had no idea but he was going to teach her a lesson. That's for sure.

After scrubbing his body clean and washing his hair. He got out of the shower and dried himself quickly. He then wore his black sweatpants and threw the towel over his shoulder. No shirt on. He never slept with a shirt on but for her sake. He was.

However now after her behaviour, he was certainly not going to do so. Opening the door with a smirk, he made eye contact with Lucasia who was currently sitting on the bed. As he expected, her eyes widened and her cheeks turned bright red as she looked him up and down gulping nervously.

"W-Why are you shirtless?" She asked flustered.

"Why? Does it bother you Gattina?" He asked inching closer to her.

She looked down immediately and did not answer him. He smirked even more noticing how quiet she was now. He threw the towel on the couch and stood right in front of the bed loving how she looked flustered. He swiftly grabbed her legs and yanked her to the edge of the bed making her shriek in surprise.

"What are you doing?" She instantly asked finally looking up at him, her eyes wide. He hovered over her in response, placing his hands on both sides of her, caging her beneath him. God have mercy. She looked so much more beautiful underneath him like that. The sight made his cock throb.

"What's wrong Gattina? Am I too close for your liking?" He asked leaning closer to her face making her press her head deeper against the mattress desperately trying to put some distance between them.

"Get away from me Valentino" She whispered, her breathing heavy, her cheeks more red. God the way she said his name. Such a sweet and gentle voice. No traces of the wild cat she normally was.

He leaned closer to her ear and whispered "That's the first and last time I'm putting up with your behaviour Gattina. Either you learn to live with me or I will make you learn it myself. Understood?"

He felt her shiver slightly before nodding quickly. "Y-Yeah I understood. Now get off" Lucasia replied nervously.

"See it was not that hard to be a good girl" Valentino said finally pulling away from her.

"Asshole" She muttered quickly backing away from him.

"Careful what you call me Gattina" He stated raising an eyebrow in warning, crossing his arms over his chest.

She stared at him fiercely in response yet her cheeks were still red. Fuck he felt more turned on at how she looked. So feisty yet so innocent. This woman was dangerously starting to affect him too much for his own good.

"You are a jerk" She spat after a few seconds making him shake his head.

"You will never learn manners Gattina Tsk Tsk" He said with fake disapproval just to get on her nerves.

"Fuck you" She replied getting into a sleeping position clearly pissed off.

"Don't ask something that you won't be able to handle Gattina" Valentino stated walking towards the couch.

"Go to bed, will you!" She retorted back making him more amused. This woman was definitely something else and he was already liking it a bit too much.

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