Characters POV part 4

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** Park Hyung Sik POV **

Hi, I am Park Hyung Sik. You can call me over anytime for some beer xD. I'm 16, and yea yea I know it's illegal to have beer at my age, but I drink occasionally, so chill, there's no need to panic. I love my friends and family. They are my life. They inspire me to live my life to the fullest.
EunJi and I have been friends since we were five. Our dads met at a business get-together and they became friends, so did we. We went to the same middle school and now same high school. I have seen EunJi cry her heart out because she misses her mother, especially on Mother's day, she's tough on outside but very weak inside. We all stick by herself because she needs us, and F4 will always keep supporting each other.

Moon is beautifulМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя