Character's POV part 3

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**Chanyeol's POV**

My mom and dad were highschool lovers and after graduation they got married. My father was an honest businessman and was a man of his words. He earn rightfully and couldn't stand anything which was wrong for anyone in any means his honesty made him achieve many milestones in his life and it was the cause for his death too.

One day at work my father accidently overheard a private conversation of his boss with a congressman, and my father being the rightful citizen requested his boss to turn himself in.

That congressman wrongfully accused him of money laundering and started a case against him, the court declared heavy penalty for my father and 20 years jail. My father died in jail, they said that my father hang himself to death, but it isn't possible he was a strong person, he faught for himself till the very end but an innocent man lost his life because everyone was so blinded by the money they threw at their faces, no one helped, no one spoke against him.

After the news came out of my dad's suicide my mom couldn't hold the burden of this lose, all this happened while she was nine months pregnant with me and on the same day my father died, I was born. After giving me birth my mom went into coma and stayed there for 2 months, and lost her battle against life.

I was raised by my uncle who told me the whole story. The question arises that Did my uncle tried to do anything at that time, yes, my uncle straight away went to the congressman when my father was jailed and he threatened him.

The congressman was a very intelligent person that his own family didn't even know about him, he was so nicely bad that no one could even think that he was a horrible person.

After my father's death my uncle tried to contact police but all the law and orders were in his hands so nothing happened, he kidnapped my uncle and physically abused him for months After he released my uncle he ordered him to stay as quieter as he could or he will do the same with him too. My uncle stayed quiet as he told him to do because he had a family to feed and when he came home after months he found out about my birth. Since then he kept it all inside him I got to know about this when I was 14. And from that day my only goal of life was justice. Justice for a Man who stood upon his rules and ended up dying, justice for a wife who lost his husband his love of life. Justice for a kid who didn't even see his parents in real life.

So, to enroll justice I'm here at Shinhwa High-school, His name is Kim In Suk he has a daughter and his wife is dead, later on I found out that his daughter is studying here at this school, so I immediately took transfer from Busan's Daeyeon High School and came here at Shinhwa highschool, Seoul.
My name is Park Chanyeol, and this is my story.


So the main character has unfold his side of the story, do comment and share your views I'm eager to know the reaction guys 👀

Love xx

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