Chapter 41

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When I closed my eyes at night, the only thing I could see was Aaron. My soul called out to his, and I carried this whole in my chest for months. I was empty and could not fully enjoy the birth of my children. There were days I had pictured him all cold and hungry in an unknown place and other times I would see him running from monsters, Aaron being gone this long and not being able to contact his soul or beast scared me.

“You doing it again, Lina.”Clara was observing me, and she was worried I would lose at the rate I was going, and I would sit in one place lost in my thoughts and memories of my mate and me. “I just can't help it.” she played with the babies, not sparing a single glance my direction.

“You do know that they can sense your stress.” she was right I was being a bad mother. I should focus on them now.

“I just don't know how to not think about him, Clara.” I stood up and placed one of the twins bottles beside her.
“I am unhappy all the time, that light in my soul Aaron has it and I can't go on without him.” for the first time in months I was breaking down in front of someone and these weren't hormones but my feelings. Clara puts baby Aria down and comes to my side, she clutches at my hand, I look down as tears fall hard upon me.

“let it all out Lina…"she rubs my back as and stays like that, not saying anything.

“Nora has arrived.” I immediately wiped at my tears as Sia walked into the nursery."what's going on and why is Lina crying?”we both kept quiet and moved towards the door.

“oh so that's what we're doing now?”she pushed past us and I could not speak about my feelings again as I would cry my heart out, this was sensitive. One of the pack omega's Rowen came in to watch the babies. I assumed she was sent by Gideon. We left her watching over the babies and headed to the living room.

“Alpha Gideon, you know how risky this could be not only for but for Aaron too.”Nora stood next to her paired witches.

“I did my research and I understand fully the repercussions, but if we don't do, this we would be cowards. Either way, he would be condemned for eternity.”Gideon was done waiting around, he needed something to be done just like I was desperate for his return.

“If this is the only thing, then…" She stopped talking as she saw me, and I would make sure she did this.
“Everlina you cannot be in this too, you know that this is a fatal destiny.” she brushed the side of her face has this was causing stress.

“I know, and I would die trying, I will not let my kids grow up without knowing their father.”she looked at me with guilt and rage.

“oh so this is actually about that Huh?” she held the end of the table and the room was silent, not a single whisper as all eyes were on us.

"I know the feeling too well, MOTHER! I would not want my kids to go through any of that.”she clapped her hands, circling and her eyes glossy with tears.

“I made sure to raise you well, and today you spit on me…" I could not breathe as my emotions were in my throat and these woman was fucken insane.

"Ariayanda my grandmother raised me not you Nora, you want me to understand you tell me this what was so important that made you leave your child and never come back or no, who is my father Nora?” she bit her lips holding her shut defeated.

“oh now I understand Nora you don't know him yourself.” she slapped me across the face, Lyra stood up in shock.

“You have no right Everlina all I ever did was protect you”she was angry I only told her the reality of things.

“All these years you protected me from the truth, and just maybe if you had told me the truth I would have decided for myself…" I simply stared at her and my emotions naked for to see the damage, she had done to me, and there was nothing she could do to fix that.

“give me something that belongs to Aaron, perhaps I could make contact.” finally she was doing something, I guess she felt something.

I gave her his favorite blue t-shirt, she took it and placed it on the table. She then placed three stones, one of them was a glossy white color. Her paired witches came together, and they held hands as they said a few spells, The magic filled the room as it felt cold and dark. Nora's eyes turned white like the stones and she was repeating the spell.

She suddenly fell to the ground. Daniel tried to approach her, but one of the witches stopped him. “So are you going to explain to us why the fuck she's sleeping in the middle of a spell." Sia asked, and she was terribly pissed by this.

“she's not sleeping, she has made a connection.” one of the witches responded, and I was glad as this would be good news.

She finally opened her eyes and asked for water, and we gave her some, she got up and looked at alpha Gideon and I disliked that look she gave.
“I've got good news and bad news, so where do you want me to start?”

“start with the bad.”Daniel spoke, he looked nervous too.

“He is in Helium that is a realm for forbidden monsters and witches, it's too dangerous if we do break him out we risk bringing a deadly monster here with him.”Alpha Gideon stood up and approached Nora.

“what is the good news?” she smiles , looking at us all.

“His alive, and this means his strong to be alive in there for so long.” I knew he was alive, if he died I could have sensed something.

“whatever that's in there that comes out, we will kill it.”Eric spoke and Sia was impressed by him, and I was afraid that this thing between them would end with a war.

“Sia your parents' bones protecting the gateway so only you can open into the realm and close again without being traced.” this was good news for me, and we would bring Aaron back.

"If the witches from the council sense us breaking into a realm you know what this means Gideon, war between my kind and yours."

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now