Chapter 15

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Today is Evelina's big day as she was excited and very nervous at the same time, preparing for the ceremony. Lyra would have hers the same time, so the ladies had quite a bit on their hands. Sia and Clara had been decorating the place with flowers, they were all excited and happy. My mark on Evelina had healed, and she made sure it was visible which I so approved of as she wore it with pride.

My father had informed me the alpha Zion was coming to meet with us as he had an important discussion. I disliked him coming to our pack like this, but I had no choice as it's seemed rather urgent what he wanted to discuss with us.

"I can't believe this is actually happening."mother spoke besides watching the preparation of the ceremony from the balcony.

"yes it's happening and if you don't approve I don't wish you to come as it's not forced upon anyone here to attend." this was a sacred ceremony and I wish nobody to interrupt it.

"son that's not what meant." I looked To her with a questioning look.

"oh forget it and I am attending Aaron." I smiled and pulled her in for a hug, my mother understood things easily, and she listened very well. I knew she wasn't fond of my mate, but she would learn to love her for me.

"Did I miss something here?" Daniel spoke breaking us apart, we both laughed at him.

"what mom?" Daniel teased mother, and she pulled him in a hug.

"my pups are all grown, I can't believe that you got your mate too." part of her was happy for us and the other part was concerned.

I picked up on Zion's scented, this meant he had arrived and headed in the direction that the scent came from. I found him speaking with my mate and I felt a bit uneasy, but I brushed off the feeling .he came along with his beta and Luna

"Alpha Zion!" I bowed my head in greetings as he did the same." Alpha king." I did not feel comfortable being address by the title yet.

"I prefer Aaron." he nodded in agreement, and we headed to my father's office to speak more privately. Eve held my hand and walked along my side.

"I hear you are hosting a matrimonial Duvet ceremony here?" he was curious indeed. " Yes, we are." Eve answered in excitement, looking up at me and smiling.

"I would love to stay and watch with your permission." he was seeking my approval, I did not want him to stay here any longer.

" You are welcome to stay." I gave him my approval, my mate smiled so happily beside me.

My father welcomed Zion and his people to his meeting room, Larissa walked up and spoke to Zion's Luna for a bit before the going back to sit beside father. Agatha the Oracle walked in and sat beside Lyra, Eve shifted uncomfortably beside me her gaze locked on the Agatha, I could feel she was nervous about something. She was hiding something from me, and my wolf disliked the feeling we got.

"Alpha Zion has something to tell us all here, and I would like us to hear him." my father Gideon looked as though he already knew what Zion wanted to tell us.

"There's a man going around killing our kind his been to four packs already, he left a message. This was new to me, but looking at my father he already knew of the news.

"what did the message relay?" Daniel asked as he rather looked pissed.
"He seeks for Evelina of Starrock your mate" This man had a death wish and I would deliver, my beast and I wanted his blood.

"why would he look for my mate?" looking at Eve proved she knew something as she held her breath and her hand turn to fists while her heart pounding in her chest.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to her, but she simply nodded, and I felt she wasn't.

"that's a question you should ask Eve?" it was Eric who spoke, he looked at us and I couldn't tell on his emotions as his face held no sentiments. Looking back at my mate, fear pulling at her as she stood up.

"Rodger Celius, that's his name the man who I have been running from, his dangerous and powerful warlock."she spoke with so much distress and I could taste the hate she held for him. He has done something to her, he hurt her and I sensed all her pain they had a past.

"you are telling us now of this? " Eric asked getting angry, and he was easily angered. "that's not relevant Eric, we need a solution to how we can capture this man before he can cause harm to us." I need this man dead I did know what he had done to her, but I knew I had to rid of this world.

"yes Eric I hid this as I am scared of Rodger, before I came across you all I had been running away from this monster who manipulated my power against me and killed so many by using my magic." Eve's voice had everyone jumping in their seat with confusion, but she carried on speaking with anger evident in her.

" I can't use my magic, but Rodger can use it making me kill my kind, kill innocent people, he bound my me to him and his able to track me wherever I go." tears brimming in her eyes as guilt are away at her, but she didn't kill those people he did by using her magic.

"why didn't you tell me all this Even?"this wasn't the time or place to talk about this, but I asked any way, and she shook her head.

"I've heard you all, but now I think is the time we punished Rodger for killing our so many Wolf's to send a message to us. I will let you know I will have his head. " I needed to find him before he found us to bring the war to him as I needed to protect my people, taking Even's hand in mine.

"He will not harm you anymore because you have me now and your magic can't be used against yourself which am part of you." we were one as the bond was sealed, I had to meet this Rodger.

"Zion you must go back to the four packs that had been attacked by Rodger, get them to join us in our fight to avenge their brothers and sister." my father spoke as he himself was angry.

Zion agreed, if there were anything werewolves hated was the killing of innocent people and Rodger attacked newly formed packs that weren't very powerful to send his message, he was a coward.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora