chapter 8

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Evelina was anxious, I could feel most of her emotions and the sadness that followed them through the bond.
Her small hands were really shaky, I really hope Daniel keeps her in safe arms as I could not allow harm to her.
My wolf filled me with all the strength and confidence I needed for this fight because now we had purpose, and we were needed by our mated, and we belong beside her.

This was most upsetting as alpha's all around the world wanted to challenge me for a power I wasn't even sure I possessed, how ridiculous that was. Zion had made his challenge and I had to make sure we met at the boarders of our lands far from our pack houses, to protect our females and children.

“What happens if you lose this challenge?” Eric asked me a question that puzzled myself.

“Losing the challenge meant getting killed, and that should not happen under our watch.” My father spoke, I just did not know how much of truth the prophecy held as I never felt this great alpha King's powers. Eric looked a bit worried my brother was young, and he wasn't used to such challenges left alone came face to face with Zion, a beast that was too selfish and greedy.

“Don't think too much, Eric, we might be fine if the Goddess wishes it be.” I patted him on the back to ease his thoughts.

“Blessed be.” Said alpha Gideon and alpha Gale at once.

I caught on a whiff of muddy and Otis scent, and I knew Zion had arrived in our lands and we shifted into our wolf form. My bones twisting and cracking as my wolf took over completely, I dug my paws on the ground pushing my body forth as I ready to sprint on my fours. My wolf wanted Zion dead for being the first to challenge me to a fight ruled by death only, which meant kill or be killed. I need to set an example to other Alphas who dare challenge me with Zion.

I met him in his human form, and he smiled looking at us ready to take him down, he came with his beta to his right and delta to his left and two other wolf possibly his omegas.

“We ain't gonna waste time, ain't we ?” My beast broke a terrifying growl warning to shift, or we attack him in his man form.

“Fuckin great, let's not waste time as the need to fuck your little whore is…" He did not need to finish as I jumped towards him, and he jumped shifting to his beast in the fastest way, his pack mates all shifted letting their beast out. They were there to watch that my pack mates never joined in and manipulate the challenge, and so was mine.

We went on biting at each other and falling to the ground, his wolf was circling mine, the wolf appeared with scars that it seem to have acquired in his past fights, and it rather looked scarred, and grayish bile filled My stomach as I ran into him full force and knocking him against the tree. Unexpectedly he turned biting down on my left leg, clever move, but kicking him with my right leg and pushing off me. I could feel my leg pulling as blood was oozing out, my dad looked terrified as he looked down, fearing I am losing blood.

'Son, you need to study your preys move to determine his next move'

He minds linked me I nodded in understanding, I got up on all four, my one leg shaking with pain. Zion was now circling me trying to make a move onto his prey and at that he did and he jumped I too did catch each other mid-way on air, I took a bite on his side, but he moved too fast for me to understand turning and removing a chunk of flesh on my side. I fell to the ground unable to move, my wolf was dying, and I could feel him going ice-cold, I was losing too much blood and I could not think as everything was becoming a blur.

My father let out a howl of pain as my brother's wolf was hung by a tip, trying not to go forth and challenge Zion. This was it fuck why now when I just got to meet my mate but the words mate ran in my head in a moment she was seated next to me, I could no longer see my pack or Zion or his pack and everything did not matter but her.

“Eve.what are yo…" I couldn't even talk as she held my hand and put her finger to my lips.” don't say anything, Aaron, I just need you to listen. " Tears filled her eyes as she took my hand in her small ones. This wasn't real, she wasn't real but it was my mind and she wasn't here.

“You are dying and so am I, I am able to be here with you because our souls are connected. “ How was she dying with me At this moment, She nodded, wiping her tears. I knew if I die here part of her would die along with me.

“Aaron, I need you to trust your wolf completely and give him control, trust him as he does.” I was holding the line between beast and man because I was afraid of giving him full control as he might kill mercilessly, he had a dark side ,and he enjoyed killing. so I always held that line to balance us.

“You promised you would come back” those were her last words before my eyes shot up I saw my brother battling with Zion and I stood on all fours, my body numb with pain and anger.

I sprint forth, colliding with Zion's beast, Eric ambled back, and I gave my beast full control.  He was ready for the kill as he moved faster than I ever have, he took big bites from Zions beast which sent fall onto the ground breathing laboriously. we ran straight into Zion's beast and a bit down on the side of his neck, Zion let out a howl of pain and agony. Just when I thought my wolf was killing him, he let go of his neck and let me back as I shifted to my human form.

His pack bent the knee to me in submission, I looked at Zion shaking on the ground. By werewolf law I stand to be their Alpha but that's not what I wanted

“SHIFT!” I commanded him, at that his body shook back into his man form.
“Why won't you kill me.”he begged me but my beast wasn't a killer, and I was proud of that.

“No I won't, you will go back and speak of what happened here today am no monster, I am giving you a chance to correct your wrongs as your Alpha King And commander.”He crouched down and bent the knee with his pack mates in submission to me, The atmosphere held the power of my authority and dominance. The power of an alpha king and commander as I looked down even my own father couldn't stand it as they all had  crouched before me.

I fell back as my body was going cold Eric held me with my father and Gale.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ