Chapter 23

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Powerful magic is dangerous, especially in the wrong hand, but somehow my ancestors entrusted me with their magic. I felt it wrapping around me and I wanted to use it and to test it. I kept picking at my finger nail as this power was seducing me, wanting to be used. The book of magic was now embedded in my core. I could see things clear now I felt what Kalidah felt, and her remembrances had settled in my mind like it were my own. I was the barest of her magic and mine combined,. It was unbearable as my body was fighting to stabilize this new power within me. My grandmother's word had been on my mind as I had to to solve her riddle. This was the reason Agatha decided to help us was, so she could be in possession of a great power from Kalidah, but she wasn't the chosen one I was. This had made her seem different from before. I couldn't say she was upset, but she wasn't okay.

My paired to witches were concerned about me and this new power. I tried to assure everyone that I was handling it, but nobody believed me. I felt different with this power. I was waiting for Rodger to make his first move because now I can kill him.
Aaron was not happy. He was worried about me and I tried to assure him that nothing would happen but regardless he still remained worried.

“What happens if she does not restore the book of magic within her?” Aaron asked Annabelle who was concerned too.” She would be lost forever in kalidah's memory, or the magic will burn its way out of her until there's nothing left of her.” I could see Aaron panic with that being said.

“Please relax guys, this power is borrowed, and I know I have to release it in the next two days at the witching hour.”  Agatha was watching me in silence.

“You enjoy to have this great power within you, but just remember it's not yours to keep as it could kill.” She finally broke her silence.

"You thought you could be their barer of this magic, but it disappointed you that you were not chosen, but you should seek for the reason as you are a powerful Oracle, yet the magic found you unworthy to bear it.” Sia spoke words that strike Agatha and revealing her true emotions she hid.

“Unworthy you say? You are all here because of me and don't you dare for one second think you could have been able to do all this without me as I am purer than you, Sia." Agatha was seething with anger.

“Stop this, the matter at hand is how do we know if Rodger is coming?” Daniel spoke, and he was right, I could no longer sense him as the link trying him to me was broken.

“He is coming, am sure of that." Cynthia must have had a vision.

"Wether he comes here or not in two days' time, I want you to get rid of that magic, Everlina." I didn't like that, as something in me liked this power.

“When Rodger arrives here, don't Kill him. Everlina captures him and puts a curse on him because if you kill him with Kalidah's magic, you can never bring life in this world as you would have taken one." Kalidah had killed Arthur, and it took her ability to have children. With magic, everything worked both ways, for taking a life. You were punished by never being able to carry a child in your womb.

“I will kill him.” Aaron simply wanted him dead like I did."it won't matter who kills him as she will still suffer the curse,. It will be her magic that captured him.” Aaron shrugged.

“What did you do, Agatha to suffer the curse of aging?” she looked pained by the question.

“That was done to me by a man. He was so handsome, and he could have had any other woman, but he chose me, an oracle promising me marriage in the name of love but all he seeked from me was my visions. I got word he was marrying another, so I cursed him he turned to be a young boy for no woman will want to be with a boy but not knowing that my magic would turn me to an old woman because he truly loved me but I just…”

“Am so sorry I didn't know.” Lyra spoke feeling sorry for, but the truth of the matter was Agatha doubted him and paid mind to useless rumors when she should have followed her heart if she had one.

“You wanted Kalidah's magic to break the curse?” Clara asked, feeling sorry for her, she simply nodded. I felt as though that was not the entire truth.

"Can't you reverse the curse since you made?” she kept quiet, looking pained by Sia question, but she never answered back.

“Enough with questions she'll….”  Annabelle was stopped as Agatha spoke once more.

“He was heartbroken by me, so he cursed me to forget him and his existence, I don't even remember his name, all I know is what I did.” her voice was trembling. Something like this was personal and to share it with us meant she trusts us.

“The day I recognize him the curse will be broken.”she said, but how this was terrible, and I felt sorry for her.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now