Alternative ending (1/2)

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TW - Mention of torture and blood, if you do wish to read a sign will be given, '***' before and end, look out for them and skip to read the next one.

"K- kook", you place your bloody hand on his cheeks, "Baby, you will be alright okay", he walks into the car and places you on his lap.

His dad and mom get in as his dad starts driving.

"It's o - okay k- kook", you give him a weak smile.

"Faster dad!", he says louder to his dad who was already driving the fast he could.

"Ko - ok, it's u – use - less", you hold his cheeks and make him look at you.

His nose was red, and tears were streaming one after the another, you wanted to stop him from crying, you didn't want to see him in tears.

"I am sorry", he hugs you.

"I – lo – love y- you", you say and peck his lips.

"Pr – promis – e m - me", you take his palms in your bloody ones.

"No no no no", he keeps chanting knowing you're going to give up, "You're not giving up", he says.

"Pro – promise m – me pl – ple - ase", you let out tears.

"Y- yes", he chocks a sob and nods his head.

"Th – at y- you wil – l fi – find so – someo – ne, and pro - tect our bab - ies", you wince in pain.

"No, you aren't leaving me, no!", he sobs.

"Pr – omi – se m - me", you beg him with the little life you've left of.

"Pl - ease", you ask him, he keeps chanting 'no' over and over again like a mantra.

"Kook", his mom opens the door and Jungkook carries you outside.

He rushes with you inside, he is practically screaming and carrying you around searching for a doctor.

"Doctor!", he screams with you in his arms.

"Please lay her here", the nurses run with a stretcher, and he places you carefully.


It's been two hours since the doctors took you inside the operating theatre. Jungkook has been walking back and forth, his eyes puffy from crying.

The doctors walk out, removing their gloves and throwing it in the bin. Jungkook rushes to them, "How is she?", he looks at them with pleading eyes.

"She is stable, you bought her on time", the doctor says giving relief to him.

"Thank you so much", Jungkook bows down repeatedly as the doctor pats his shoulder and walks away.

"Jungkook!", his dad calls for him, "Jungkook I've got Junghyun", he says, "He's all yours now, I am not going to step in".

"I am sorry dad but -", Jungkook pauses, and his dad smiles, "He deserves it, after what he's done".

Jungkook gives a painful smile to his dad and walks out of the hospital.


"Honey!", Mrs. Jeon notices her husband walking inside, "Where's Jungkook?", she asks looking outside.

"He is going to end it all", Mr. Jeon says his wife, who understood where it was leading to.

"He should have done it before", his wife wipes a tear, "I am letting him go", she walks away and sits on the couch.

"It's not out fault", Mr. Jeon walks over and takes his place next to her and takes her hand in his, "We raised him well".

"Yeah, it's his fate", she nods her head, "It is what it is".



Jungkook walks in to see Junghyun tied up, "I should have done this a very long time ago", he says walking to the table.

He looks at all the equipment's placed neatly ready for him to do what he wants, "You've hurt us all for so long".

Jungkook takes the hammer, "And I think it's time I do", He wings the hammer onto Junghyun's knuckles, his bones cracking and blood splatters as he screams on top of his lungs.

"Just why?", Jungkook, fists Junghyun's hair and makes him look up, "what did she ever do to you?!",

"I am s - sorry", Junghyun whimpers in pain, Jungkook let's go of his hair and walks back to the table taking his next weapon.

"Sorry?!", Jungkook chuckles, "You think a fucking sorry is going to take away what you did to her?!".

He grabs hold of the pliers, and walks back to his brother, "She was covered in blood, you tried to take my wife away from me!", he grabs Junghyun's hair.

"And you think a sorry is going to make it all right?!", Jungkook moves the pliers, and he lets go of his hand and holds his jaw.

He applies pressure and opens his mouth forcefully, "No no!", Jungkook uses the pliers and pulls Junghyun's incisors (front tooth) out. 

Jungkook screams in agony, as blood oozes out of his gums, "You tried to kill the love of my life", Jungkook grits his teeth, pulling his left canine (the pointy tooth).

"You tried to kill the mother of my children!", Jungkook pulls out his right canine as well.

"Y/N is saved", Jungkook lets go of his jaw, Junghyun's head shots up, "You thought you could kill her?", Jungkook laughs.

"You have to go through me to take her", he says, "Not anymore", Jungkook walks back to the table and takes the knife.

"Guards!", Jungkook calls out for his men, four of them rush in, "Remove his pants", Jungkook gestures the guards who gets to work immediately.


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