Chapter 15

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"Psst", the guard called Junghyun who was tired and was lying down on the floor after all the beating.

"Sir", the guard lightly tapped on the bars and Junghyun slurred in his sleep and turned to the other side and yawned.

"Mr. Jeon", the guard whisper a little louder than the last.

"What?", Junghyun asked and the guard shivered at the sound of his voice.

"They saved the baby", the guard whispered lightly but enough for Junghyun to hear.

Junghyun heard and shot open his eyes and sat up straight, "The fuck!", he hissed at the guard who shivered in front of him.

"No no no", Junghyun muttered as he got up and walked in circles.

"Wait!", Junghyun snapped his fingers and looked at the guard as an idea clicked in his head.

"What if..", Junghyun walked closer to the bars and smirked at the guard.

"What if we prove that the baby is mine? Because it is mine", he nodded at the guard who gulped down his saliva.


"Doctor is everything okay?", Mrs. Jeon stood up from the seat as the doctor walked out.

The doctor removes his gloves and mask and let out a sigh of relief, "You guys were on time", he said and Mrs. Jeon breathed out.

"Ara is fine?", you asked the doctor as your heart was beating fanatically.

"Yes, we saved her" he said and you felt a wave of relief pass through your body.

"Do you have any idea how this happened?", the doctor asked the both of you and Mrs. Jeon looked at you.

"I fed her milk", Mrs. Jeon replied.

"Breastfeed? She is a baby", the doctor asked.

"Actually, I gave her formula milk as she was showering and Ara was crying continuously", Mrs. Jeon answered again.

"Do you have any remains of the milk?", the doctor asked.

"At home I guess", Mrs. Jeon said, "I'll tell someone to bring it", she continued.

"Okay", the doctor gave a smile to the both of you, "give it to her", he pointed at the nurse.

"I'll get going", he nods and walks away.


"It's okay baby", Jungkook hugged you as you laid your head on his chest for comfort.

"I am so sorry I should have been there", Jungkook apologizes and you nod your head in negativity.

"It's not your fault someone planned this", you said.

"I am glad you guys bought her on time", Jungkook said and you hugged him tighter.

"I can't bear to see her gone", you say and Jungkook hugs you placing kissed on your head as he calms you down.

"You can take the baby home now, she is all good", the nurse walks out of the room and informs the both of you.

"Let's get out of here", Jungkook says and you nod in response.

You walk hand in hand with Jungkook and see Ara in the cot playing with toys that were given to her at the hospital.

You walk to her and look at her smiling at Jungkook and you.

"My baby", you carry her and place her on your hips and Ara lets out a giggle and Jungkook slightly tickles her.

"Who's my princess?", Jungkook bops his nose with hers and Ara giggles at him.

"Princess Ara", Jungkook kisses her forehead.

"Ma", Ara says and Jungkook's and yours eyes widen hearing your baby.

"Say mama" you say and Ara blabbers and holds your cheeks in her palms.

"Say dadda", Jungkook also says and Ara looks at Jungkook and puts hers hands next on his face and squishes his cheeks.

"That hurts baby", Jungkook squints his eyes when Ara grabs his cheeks in her palms roughly.

"ba", Ara blabbers and roams her hands on Jungkook's face and grabs a fistful of his hair and Jungkook yelps in pain.

"Shit princess", Jungkook whisper yells as he tried to pull Ara's hands away from his hair but she had a firm grip.

"Fu -", Jungkook was about to curse and you slapped his shoulder.

"Baby that hurts", he gasps at you and Ara pulls his hair once again and Jungkook yelps in pain.


"What is this?!", Mr. Jeon whisper yelled as the doctor handed him an envelope.

"Sir it's another DNA test", the doctor says and Mr. Jeon looks at the envelope and the doctor back and forth.

"Whose?", Mr. Jeon asks looking at the envelope.

"Baby Ara's and Junghyun's", the doctor replies.

Mr. Jeon clenches his teeth when he hears his sons name, "I told you I did not want to see this", Mr. Jeon gritted at the doctor.

"I think you should see it Mr. Jeon", the doctor says.

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