Chapter 04

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Jungkook was tied badly that he wasn't able to move a muscle in his body, the ropes were so tight his body is bruised.

His shirt was torn and there was blood all over, the guards carried him like a rag doll outside.

Jungkook continues to whimper and moan in pain due to the harsh treatment of the guards.

Jungkook's hands were tied back along with his legs, Junghyun smirked and gestured to the back seat of the car.

The guards threw him harshly that Jungkook hit his head on the door and started bleeding from his side.

Junghyun's driver was about to get in but Junghyun stopped him, "I don't want anyone following".

The driver backed away handing the keys to Junghyun who grabbed them and got into the seat.

He looked back at Jungkook who didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, "Let's start my game".

Junghyun drove off to Jungkook's house where you stayed.


You were tired of crying that you couldn't anymore, you continued to stare at the wall in front of you.

You knew Junghyun was not going to let you go easily, you regret everything.

You should have never gone that night to the club, if not you probably had a happy ending with Jungkook or someone else.

You were mad at yourself for being in this situation, you grabbed the glass and threw it across the room.

"Fuck you Junghyun, I'll save my own family", you gritted your teeth.

The door bell rang and you could hear it, you sat on the bed taking deep breaths to calm yourself down.

It didn't take long for the door of the room you were locked in to open.

"I am home, baby girl", Junghyun walked in, with the guards following.

"Throw him there", Junghyun commanded the guards who nodded throwing Jungkook harshly on the floor.

"Jungkook!", you ran to him seeing him all broken on the floor.

Jungkook was unconscious and he was beaten badly, tears streamed from your eyes seeing your husband.

Junghyun grabbed the water bottle and poured it on Jungkook drenching him, Jungkook gasped feeling the water.

You held his head and placed it on the lap caressing his face, "Ba - baby", Jungkook's voice was dry.

"Kook, it's me", you placed a kiss on his forehead, and hugged his head burying it on your waist and tummy.

"Water", Jungkook managed to speak out.

"Please can I have some water", you asked Junghyun who shook his head and lifted the water bottle.

He bought it close to you but before you could have it, he lifted it up, "Not so fast, baby girl".

"Please, he needs water", you begged holding Jungkook tighter.

"Then take it", Junghyun opened the cap and tilted the water as it poured down on the floor.

You looked at him, "I am not going to give you anymore so take what I give", Junghyun tilted the bottle more.

You cupped both your hands and placed it as the water filled on your hands, you made sure the water to not drip from your hands.

You slowly helped Jungkook sip on the water from your hands even though much didn't reach his throat.

Before you could take more Junghyun threw the empty bottle on the floor making you flinch, "Opps, too slow, baby girl"

You couldn't believe how inhumane he was, you wondered if he was even your husband's brother.

"Please stop hurting us", you sobbed and Jungkook lifted his hand to caress your cheeks lovingly.

Junghyun scoffed at you both being lovely, he clenched his fists and jaw seeing you with Jungkook.

"Get ready baby girl", Junghyun spoke up making you look at him.

"F – for wh -what?", you stuttered.

"To have sex", he bent down to your level and held your face up with his finger under his chin.

"Every time you resist or cry, Jungkook will get the punishment", he placed his lips on your roughly.

You tried to move away but he held your jaw harshly and slipped his tongue in, you struggled and placed your hands on his shoulders to push him.

Junghyun felt your hands pushing him and left your jaw and pulled from the kiss, "Pushing, are we?".

Junghyun kicked Jungkook away from your lap and placed his leg on Jungkook's left check pressing him harder on the floor.

"NO PLEASE STOP!", you screamed but Junghyun just continues to apply pressure.

"This is what happens baby girl when you resist me", he was almost about to crush Jungkook's head.

"No, please I won't resist anymore please", you begged and Junghyun released Jungkook.

"Let's try this, again shall we?", he held your jaw once again and placed his lips.

You let him kiss you, you felt disgusted and clutched the sides of your dress, "Good girl", Junghyun saw the tears in your eyes.

"You cried while kissing me huh, didn't I tell you not to", he kicked Jungkook on his stomach.

Jungkook clutched his stomach and curled into a ball.

"I'll be back in an hour, get ready", Junghyun walked out of the room, you crawled to Jungkook and held him tightly, both of you crying silently.

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