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"NO!", Jungkook screams and rushes to you who lay on the bed with gunshots on your stomach, arm, shoulders and one close to your chest.

"YOU TOLD YOU WILL LET HER GO!", Mr. Jeon holds the collar of Junghyun who keeps laughing like a maniac.

"Mom", Jungkook whimpers having you in his arms.

"Hospital quick", Mrs. Jeon hurries downstairs and Jungkook wastes no time to carry you to the car.

"I'll kill you if something happens to her", Mr. Jeon punches Junghyun on the face as he stumbles and falls down.

He leaves Junghyun and rushes downstairs to the hospital.


"K- kook", you place your bloody hand on his cheeks, "Baby, you will be alright okay", he walks into the car and places you on his lap.

His dad and mom get in as his dad starts driving.

"It's o - okay k- kook", you give him a weak smile.

"Faster dad!", he says louder to his dad who was already driving the fast he could.

"Ko - ok, it's u – use - less", you hold his cheeks and make him look at you.

His nose was red, and tears were streaming one after the another, you wanted to stop him from crying, you didn't want to see him in tears.

"I am sorry", he hugs you.

"I – lo – love y- you", you say and peck his lips.

"Pr – promis – e m - me", you take his palms in your bloody ones.

"No no no no", he keeps chanting knowing you're going to give up, "You're not giving up", he says.

"Pro – promise m – me pl – ple - ase", you let out tears.

"Y- yes", he chocks a sob and nods his head.

"Th – at y- you wil – l fi – find so – someo – ne, and pro - tect our bab - ies", you wince in pain.

"No, you aren't leaving me, no!", he sobs.

"Pr – omi – se m - me", you beg him with the little life you've left of.

"Pl - ease", you ask him, he keeps chanting 'no' over and over again like a mantra.

"Kook", his mom opens the door and Jungkook carries you outside.

He rushes with you inside, he is practically screaming and carrying you around searching for a doctor.

"Doctor!", he screams with you in his arms.

"Please lay her here", the nurses run with a stretcher, and he places you carefully, Jungkook notices your eyes were closed.

"Y/N!", he pats your cheeks.


Junghyun walks to the cot in the living room and sees both Ara and your baby boy sleeping peacefully.

"I am so – sorry for what I did", he chocks out a sob looking at the sleeping babies.

"I loved your mother, so so much", he sits on the floor next to the cot and rocks it lightly.

"Call it ob – obsession or lust", he sniffles, "But I love your mother from the bottom of my heart".

"When she married my brother, you dad......", he chuckles sadly, "It hurt me, so much I felt like dying".

"When I first saw your mother, she looked like an angel, my angel", he lets out a laugh, "But she wasn't mine".

"She was the prettiest person I've ever seen", a smile forms on his face as he remembers seeing you for the first time in the club.

"She was gorgeous", he muttered, "I've seen so many girls, been with so many of them but your mother", he pauses.

"She was my light", he wipes the tears off his cheeks.

"But I was her devil, her nightmare", he looks at the sleeping babies.

"The things I did to her", he shakes her head, "She will never forgive me for everything I did", he chuckles sadly.

"I did such unhuman things to her", he sobs, "I r- raped her", he closes his eyes tightly, "so many times.".

"She begged me", he looks at Ara smiling in her dream, "Begged me to stop, but I never did".

"I'll never forgive myself for everything I did to her", he wipes his tear.

"I came here to take her with me, and I know she can't resist now", he caresses Ara's cheeks with his index finger.

"I am sorry for taking your mother from you", his tears fall, "I can't live without her".

"I am so sorry", he takes his gun out with trembling hands.

"No matter how many times I ap – apologize", he takes the gun and points it to the babies, "You will never forgive me".

"Sorry", he takes the gun which was pointing the babies and points it to his head.

"I am sorry Jungkook."

"I am sorry Mom."

"I am sorry Dad."

"I am so sorry Y/N", he closes his eyes and pulls the trigger. The bullet passes through his head, blood splattering everywhere.

His body falls next to the crib, in a pool of his own blood staining the tiles.


"I am extremely sorry Mr. Jeon - ", the doctor looks up after checking you.

"NO!", Jungkook screams, "No please no!", he pats your cheeks, but you don't respond and lie on the stretcher peacefully.

"Time of death 12:40 pm", the doctor says.

"Jungkook", his dad pulls his up, and hugs him. "It's all my fault, I should have never bought him to the house".

"She is gone, she left me, she left us, she died in my arms dad", Jungkook sobs in the arms of his dad.

"I hope she is at peace now, she suffered a lot", Mrs. Jeon sobs looking at your body.

Taste of Heaven S2 | JJKKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat