Chapter 74

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(later that day)

*it is already dark outside. we went to jorge's room with everyone. we enter the room. and the guys run to the kitchen to grab all the alcohol*



martina:Can you help me?

jorge:Yeah sure

*he helps me with my jacket. i stare at his eyes. and gave him a fast "pop" kiss*

rugge:Aiaiai guys if you want to do those things. we will leave


martina:It is okay. I call alba okay?

diego:Who is Alba?

martina:My friend

jorge:Yeah. sure.. why not?

*i stare again at him and his friends. To be honest. i am jealous. These last week..just has to be perfect you know..*

martina:Jorge..Can.. I mean..

jorge:What's wrong love?

martina:Can't we just.. stay alone?


*he walks to his friends. they talk. and in no time they left the room*


martina:Sorry, I just had to. Sorry

jorge:Hey. it is okay

*he caress my arm with his finger*

jorge:I feel the same about it. i really..just don't want to leave you. because I Love you

*his hand moved to my face. and he wipt one just fallen tear from my face*

martina:I will call you every night. and i will kiss you everyday an airkiss. will send you letters. pictures. video messages..


martina:I know. I only make it worser. but this can be the end Jorge

jorge:No. This is just the beginning

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