chapter 29

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(That night)
*we were in my room. I told Alba about everything what happend with jorge*

Alba:So you guys are still not together?

Martina:Well i don't know..he kissed me goodbye bu-

Alba:Ah he hasn't ask you yet



Martina:Alba..perhaps you're doing this great, but I', nervous

Alba:Girl. Just relax. Follow him. Guys have more experience.

Martina:How do you know?

Alba:Welleh duh..first of all..all the guys have watch once with friends a movie about it

Martina:They make movies about it??

Alba:Eh yes..and anyways. I think that he isn't as you..I mean, you won't be his first

Martina:How do you know?

Alba:I work over here the last 7 years.

Martina:Every summer?

Alba:Every summer


Alba:He has date a girl for a couple years.

Martina: Who if I may ask?

Alba: Stephie, but she passed away years ago.

Martina:And you think that..

Alba:Yes. But don't you worry sweety. That his first time was with the wrong person doesn't mean yours is as well right?


Alba:And hé! I think that Jorge is the right person

Martina:well he got me excited now I know how he kiss

Alba:Great. Now go to bed because i am tired

Martina:Eh..yeah..goodnight Alba

Alba:Goodnight tini

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