Chapter 55

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(Later that day)
*martina's pov
I went to the rehairs room. To rehairs all the songs. It is fun to sing with a band. This is so much better. Even for my carrier. I met some new people. Josh the drummer. Micheal the guitarist. And Dilan also a guitarist. So yeah. I am the leadsinger*

Josh:Okay enough for today. I see you guys on friday

Martina:Yeah. I also have to go now

Dilan:Martina. Can you give me your number?

Martina:Oh eh sure. Do you have a pen?


Martina:Oh. Than not. I go. Chauw guys

*i left the room*



Jorge:Yes that is my name

Martina:Dammed you scared me!

Jorge:Sorry *laughs* how did it go?



Martina:Yeah. Everything was just..great

Jorge:Ah okay.


Jorge:Shall we go?

Martina:To be honest. I am really tired. Can't we just go to your room. And you massage me?



Jorge:Okay okay. But why my room?

Martina:Guess two times

*i giggle and i walk to his room. While he  follows me*

Martina:Well, open the door

Jorge:I always have to do everything?

Martina:Well hello, you have the keys, I don't.


*he winked at me and he opens the door. I jump on his bed. And he slowly walks to me*

Martina:Your room is like heaven

Jorge:Grn *laughs* i will repeat that after some weeks to hear if you think the same about it

*he sat down next to me. I lay my head down on his legs. And his hands went to my shoulders*

Jorge:So, how is the band?

Martina:Oh. They are nice

Jorge:Ah. Great. How do you feel?

Martina:Eh. Right now i am tired and my stromach hurts. But every hour it changes

Jorge:Well. I am here. So you can close your eyes if you want to

Martina:Nah. I prefer to listen to your voice. It makes me calm

Sorry this Chapter is boring :3 but soon will happen new exiting things♡

My Summer Love (part 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें