Chapter 53

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(Later that night)
*we lay on the bed. Watching tv. She crows closer to me. And makes it herself comfy. Her head on my chest. And her arms around me. I smell her fresh washed hair. It smells nice. Even if it is still wet*



Martina:Oh i just wanted to know if you are still awake

Jorge:Well. I am

*i twist my right arm around her shoulder. And i lay my hand on her naked leg. You know. It feels just good to hold her.*

Martina:Hm. I wonder

Jorge:About what?

Martina:Believe me. If you would knew what woman can think..

Jorge:Just tell me

Martina:Promise me that you won't make fun about it

Jorge:Okay okay. I promise

Martina:I was thinking about how cute our Children would look *laughs*

Jorge:Grn tinita *laughs*

Martina:I said don't make fun of it!

*she looks up to see my face*

Jorge:You also laugh about it

Martina:Oh. Okay than

*she tries to hide her laugh but she can't. So she just spit it out in my face. And i laugh with her about the move she just made*

Martina:Oh so shameful

Jorge:Don't you worry i still love you

Martina:That is recommended yeah

*i  caress her cheeck*

Martina:Hm. Can i just say something?

Jorge:Eh yes. But warn me if it is weird okay?

Martina:Okay okay *laughs* i don't know what you will think about it

Jorge:Than tell me

Martina:Okay, well..I just want to say how much you mean to me. It sounds crazy. But i think that you are just the most special guy i ever met. And yeah. It probably sound weird bu-

Jorge:It doesn't love *laughs*  I love i that you are not scared to tell this to me

Martina:Well *giggles* it is only what i think

Jorge:You know. Somethimes you don't have to think. You only have to feel it.

Martina:Feel love?

Jorge:Hmyeah. Or just feel this

*i lift her closer to me. And kiss her.  Her hands move to my hair. And mine go to her back to hold her closer. I wish i could fall insleep with her like this all the time. Because she just feels more for me than just one of all my girlfriends.

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